The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever Quotes by Adam Houge (2024)

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The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life ForeverbyAdam Houge
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The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever Quotes Showing 1-30 of 69

“The hardest time to say something that turns another back to the Lord is during an argument. We get heated and easily tempted to say something we don’t mean. Perhaps in our anger for the moment we mean what we say. But when we start thinking more rationally, we realize that’s not our heart at all. So we end up regretting our words. In this example we see that the words start with the heart. We need to learn to back down and cool off a minute. If we aren’t meditating on the Lord, in our anger we will let something slip. It’s good to remember to cool off and spend some time with God. Think about the situation, then go back and speak when your heart is sober.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“Righteousness is faith in motion. It is the work of faith. The faith we have is expressed by the things we do. When we make ourselves pliable in God’s hands He is able to work through us more powerfully.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“Please Pray With Me, “Lord, I know I’ve sinned and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for every way I’ve ever hurt You or anyone else. God, I repent! I want to change my life! I want to be better for You. Please forgive me. God I can’t do this myself. I failed at this life You gave me the first time I tried. Please help me God. Please help me to do this right. Please give me your Holy Spirit now that I may be alive in You. Give me Your Spirit, Lord, that I can have strength to please You in all things. Create in me a new heart. I devote my life to You now. Please, Jesus, be my Lord and Savior forever. Amen.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“Prayer enters us into the throne room of the living God. By prayer, we can come boldly before His throne and make requests, lay down burdens, and find rest.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“He hasn't only known you now that you’re alive, He's known you since before time. Before He ever created time, He thought of you. You are not an accident! You are a purposeful well-thought out creation of God. He's been spending thousands of years thinking of you. How you will look, and act.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“If we learn to wait for His voice we can walk by faith. If we walk by faith He will direct our paths. In the end it all boils down to being led by Him on a day to day basis. As we said before, the first aspect of learning to be led is learning His voice. The second is waiting to hear it and the third is submitting to it no matter the cost it brings on your life. And why? Because your love for God compels you to do so! There is no other way to please Him, and we could never understand our own way. This is why we addressed in the previous prayer the need for surrender. By being pliable we can be led. Then by being led we can be justified, because it is God who works in us and through us both to will and to do. As we read, “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” Php 2:13”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“The Prayer, “Lord show me Your way, and light my path. Teach me to walk with You, Your way. I want to follow after You to please You. I want to draw near to You. Teach me how to be led, and give me the strength to obey. I know that without Your leading I cannot even be saved. I fear You, and I love You, so please lead me by the Spirit, I submit to Your guiding hand.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“Can you believe that God is better than you and can love you even when you wouldn’t love yourself? Can you believe He will forgive you even when you can’t forgive yourself? You already know that a relationship with Him requires faith, and this is one of those times you need faith.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“No matter what your decision is now, God will always love you. Even if you hate Him, He'll still love you. He's perfect and can't help but be perfectly loving. But He has perfect justice too. He doesn't want to have wrath on us, but if we can't be sorry for the things we've done and change our lives, He can't save us. It is our own decision and not His.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“When trials come upon you do not fear. Satan is tempting you to fret, and discouraging you. Do not give in to the enemy, but stand strong in the faith. God is testing you to see if you will deny yourself, and lay down your desires to seek Him and obey Him. He wants an obedient servant not a sacrificial one.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“Lord I commit myself to having a servant’s heart. Make my heart like Your’s. Please open my eyes to see those in need around me, and give me what is necessary to deliver them. Work in me and through me that You may be glorified. I surrender to Your hand on my life, and devote myself to this forever. Teach me how to love like You, I want to honor you in all”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“For by grace you have been saved through faith.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“As you do not know what is the way of the wind, or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, so you do not know the works of God who makes everything.” Ecc 11:5”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“How you will respond to life, and how life will respond to you. He's been thinking of these things before the world ever spun on its axis. Before He created anything He’s been cherishing you in His heart and in His thoughts.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“There are those who rebel against the light; they do not know its ways nor abide in its paths.” Job 24:13”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“Walk by faith as you follow His voice, and persist in His presence. If you sit in His presence, temptation will grow weaker and you will grow stronger.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“To make ourselves pliable suggests that we will have a willingness to follow God in all things. Even as Jesus said to the disciples, “Follow Me.” Following Him is a call to die: To die to everything in this world, that we can live for Him and Him alone. When we prepare our hearts in this, it makes us pliable and teachable. God speaks to those who are listening. He never wastes a word and nothing is ever spoken in vain. Every word is for eternal life, so the more we hear Him and the more we obey, the better. He is always speaking, but if you aren’t hearing the Lord, the question is, “are you really listening?” He has much to say to you always, in everything you do. When you go to the store, while you’re at work, when you eat, when you wake up, and when you go to bed. He’s always speaking, but you need to be listening. He speaks to lead you in a daily walk, and if you’re”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“continuously abiding we will have strength and joy all week long. In doing this we are making every day of our life a Sunday.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“He hasn't only known you now that you’re alive, He's known you since before time. Before He ever created time, He thought of you. You are not an accident! You are a purposeful well-thought out creation of God. He's been spending thousands of years thinking of you. How you will look, and act. How you will respond to life, and how life will respond to you. He's been thinking of these things before the world ever spun on its axis. Before He created anything He’s been cherishing you in His heart and in His thoughts.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“The greatest stumbling point of the church is in the department of doctrine. No one can agree on the same thing. There are thousands of versions of truth but we claim there”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“Kindness is something we should always be growing in. A little bit of kindness can go a long way. It refreshes a weary soul, and encourages a person to go and do likewise. Kindness sparks a fire in a person’s heart. It inspires them to do good and not evil.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“When we sit in the presence of God we become refreshed and strengthened. But when we abstain from His presence, our spiritual strength leaves us and we feel worn and dried out.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“all the written words of God were once the voice of the Spirit. At the time the Scriptures were written holy men of God, having been inclined by the Spirit, wrote what He laid in their hearts.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“There are three general ways to abide, and usually God calls you to be doing one of the three at all times during the day. 1) Worship 2) Prayer 3) Reading and Meditating on Scripture When we worship we aim our praise directly to God. He responds to our adoration, by announcing His presence. He makes Himself apparent and we “feel” His presence while we worship. God has always been there, so why do we feel Him when we worship and don’t feel Him at other times? Because”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“A plant that doesn’t grow cannot bear fruit.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“He is always speaking, but if you aren’t hearing the Lord, the question is, “are you really listening?”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



“God’s plan is greater than our own and we ought to submit to it.”
Adam Houge, The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever



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Quotes By Adam Houge

The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever Quotes by Adam Houge (2024)


What are the 7 life changing prayers? ›

These prayers include: Prayer of Confession, Prayer of Salvation, Prayer of Pardon, Prayer of Promise, Prayer of Submission, Prayer of Praise, and Prayer for Blessing.

What's the most powerful prayer? ›

Give me Your Spirit, Lord, that I can have strength to please You in all things. Create in me a new heart. I devote my life to You now. Please, Jesus, be my Lord and Savior forever.

What is a powerful prayer for a change? ›

Faithful Father, who offers stable love and a grounding presence, help me navigate this change. In the midst of uncertainty, give me confidence in your abiding presence.

What is a prayer to turn my life around? ›

Please guide me and change me, oh God. Please give me Your heart for others and the world around me. Each and every day, help me to see, through Your eyes, the truth of what is, what has been and what will one day come. In the name of Your son Jesus I pray, Amen.

What is the best prayer of life? ›

Let your life flow through me and flow and flow throughout this day. O Life, live into me. Encompass me and all that I am; well up within me. O Spring of Life, let your river flow through my heart, soul, mind, and strength (John 7:38).

What is the powerful verse for prayer? ›

There's a very strong Bible verse about the power of prayer in Numbers. As written in Scripture: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." (Numbers 6:24-26).

What prayer has never failed? ›

In the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6, this is encouraged in another way: ""Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is (being done right now) in heaven. "" God delights to answer this prayer and the results are stunning. It is the prayer that never fails.

What is the hardest prayer you will ever pray? ›

We will never be able to pray “your will be done” unless we are certain that we can trust Him. You might be asking, how can I be sure God is trustworthy? Why would I want His will above my own?

What is the greatest prayer ever prayed? ›

“Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. 2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. 3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

How do you ask God to change your life? ›

Dear God, I ask that you aid me with your divine help and transform my behavior. Keep my mind and heart staunch on this predicament and do not let me revert to my old ways. I seek strength from you to guide me to live my life according to your rules.

What is the prayer for things you Cannot change? ›

cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

What is a good prayer to say every day? ›

Lord, I don't know what lay before me today, but I commit it all to You. Please give me strength and courage to get through the joys, challenges and happenings of the day. I thank You for my life and for all that I have; I commit this day to You. No matter what happens, I know You have me in the palm of Your hand.

What are the seven fixed prayer times? ›

In Apostolic Tradition, Hippolytus instructed Christians to pray seven times a day, "on rising, at the lighting of the evening lamp, at bedtime, at midnight" and "the third, sixth and ninth hours of the day, being hours associated with Christ's Passion (i.e. 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m.)."

What are the seven daily habits of prayer? ›

What Are the Seven Habits? The seven daily habits are the Morning Offering, Spir- itual Reading, the Rosary, Holy Communion, Mental Prayer, the Angelus, and Examination of Conscience. These are essential means for achieving holiness.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.