Will you be my Valentine? (2024)

Sabrina Kulieva

Photo with a heart and purple lighting of Sabrina’s parent’s hands, they met on a dating app.

Will you be my Valentine? (2)

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Sabrina Kulieva

Photo of La Voz staffer and poet, Sabrina Kulieva.

Are you concerned about spending this Valentine’s day alone? Or perhaps you’re still healing from unrequited love? Is there a match for you on Tinder?

Maybe my little poetry pieces will guide you through whatever situation you might be in this Feb. 14. But first of all, let me introduce myself: My name is Sabrina, I am 19 years old and it’s my second year here in the United States and first at De Anza. I was born in Russia, however I am bashkir, a nationality in the middle of Ural mountains, Republic of Bashkortostan (like state in the US) with its own language and traditions.

So far, I’ve been through a lot of events in my life that have shaped me into the person I am today.

I started to write when I was a small child, maybe six or seven years-old. My first poems were very short (4 to 6 sentences), but I enjoyed writing them so much. They helped me to live my life in a way I’ve always imagined.

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I can say, I was trapped into a fantasy world for a while.

At the same time, I began to participate in several writing contests, even being published in my village’s newspaper. But then,depression hit me hard, especially after I moved from the village where I was born into a big city. And I disappeared for quite a while.

I was so deep into myself that I couldn’t speak to others. I remember reading books, drawing and writing a lot. But I never shared it with anyone. It was too personal and too dark. But I hope too do it soon. There’s a lot about mental health, healing and anxiety. One thing that has kept me alive was art, it is something that I’ve always had within me and has never left me for a second.

I moved to a new country and here I am: putting myself out there in order to share my art with the world. As I said above, this is my second year in the United States. And I am happy to be here.
My story is interesting and authentic in its own way and this country has given me a lot of possibilities as well as just friends. Everyone I found on my way has been kind and helpful. I might exaggerate it, but let’s look into the positive side of things: I am finally together with my family and forever thankful for this!

Thank you for an expressed interest and enjoy my work!

Will you be my Valentine?

I really want to ask this Tinder guy:
“Will you be my Valentine?”
If the answer is yes:
Does it mean we’re couple,
And now he’s expecting me to cuddle?

But I wanted a relationship, not one-time match,
And what if people are going to watch?
And gossip, and laugh, and point their fingers:
“Look, see this couple? They met each other on Tinder!”

It’s not like I care… But I really do,
He knows me too well, I have to tell the truth:
“I like you, how about we go on a date,
Drink some coffee, talk and eat a cake?

He turned out to be kind, trustworthy and supportive,
I hope he doesn’t have another motive:
To use me and then say:
I wish you happiness and love: GOODBYE!”

This little piece talks about a girl who has a guy she likes, but she’s worried about telling him. She also thinks too much about other people’s opinions, but when she finally overcomes her fears a new one comes into the horizon: “What if he doesn’t truly love me and only thinks about using me for his own interests?” I can only wish this girl luck and advise her to work on herself as much as she can because the right person will always be there for her.

P.S. All coincidences with reality are accidental.


You said you’re taken,
It’s too late.
I liked you,
Now I don’t.

From now on I am by myself,
And I don’t need your help
On taking my next step.

You think I care? Well, I don’t.
As long as you’re “right”.
For once I hoped that everything
Finally will be alright.

My heart is pounding every time
I look into your eyes
But you’re taken:
Other girl,
Will see your gentle sights.

You think I am doing it on purpose?
Those little, tiny steps?
Well, just for you to know:
I am human and need friends.

You said you’re taken,
It’s too late.
I liked you,
Now I don’t.

I am also taken, by myself
And I can act like both.

P.S. This piece is actually about me. I remember liking my best friend’s brother, but then found out that he had a girlfriend already. Big disappointment, but at least we have a poem
Haha, yes, there’s a little hint on being bisexual at the end.

About the Contributor

Will you be my Valentine? (3)

Sabrina Kulieva, Staff Reporter

Hi, my name is Sabrina. La Voz is a new chapter of my life; I hope it will help me stay more informed about events in the world and maybe even find my place in it.

Will you be my Valentine? (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.