Shadowcast (2024)


  • 1 Description
  • 3 Mantras
    • 3.1 Combat
    • 3.2 Support
    • 3.3 Mobility
  • 4 Talents
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 References
  • 8 Navigation


Shadowcast (1)

Shadowcast is an attunement that the player is required to unlock and cannot start with. It is unique due to the fact that it drains ether from those that are hit by its Mantras and returns the drained ether to the caster. This does come at a cost to its damage output, which tends to be quite low. Shadowcast applies a black particle effect on hit that can be stacked. Many Shadowcast talents are centered on ether drain, obscuring vision and AoE.

Obtainment & Training[]

Shadowcast can be trained with a combination of the Pure Heart and Shadowcast Mantras, or eating Umbral Obsidian.

Along with all other elements, users can see their Mantras becoming stronger with practice:

  • At Shadowcast level 1, players will receive the Shadowcaster Talent. This allows players to use 0-star Shadowcast Mantras
  • At Shadowcast level 20, players will receive the Adept Shadowcaster Talent. This allows players to use 1-star Shadowcast Mantras
  • At Shadowcast level 30, players will receive the Expert Shadowcaster Talent. This allows players to unlock 2-star Shadowcast Mantras
  • Finally, at Shadowcast level 50, players will receive the Master Shadowcaster Talent. This finally allows Shadowcast users to unlock the last category, 3-star Mantras

The Attunement can be unlocked by using a Nightblood potion obtained in the First Layer inside the Varicosa District of The City of the Drowned, using 5 (2 if previously obtained) Umbral Obsidian, and can upgrade spells for 100 Notes each. Shadowcast is unlocked permanently like other elements and can be started with after being unlocked. Each upgrade purchased will make the next upgrade for the same Mantra 100 notes more expensive.

  • To upgrade a Shadowcast Mantra from level 1 to level 2 costs 100 Shadowcast (2).
  • To upgrade a Shadowcast Mantra from level 2 to level 3 costs 200 Shadowcast (3).
  • To upgrade a Shadowcast Mantra from level 3 to level 4 costs 300 Shadowcast (4).
  • To upgrade a Shadowcast Mantra from level 4 to level 5 costs 400 Shadowcast (5).



MediaNameCard DescriptionEther CostEffect

Shadowcast (6)

Dark Blade
Slicing blades of dark energy.20 EtherA dash foward that unsheathes your weapon and cuts three times with a shadow infused slice. Can be modified to add more. Blockable.
  • Adding 1 Tornado Spark adds an additional spinning slash at the end of the initial slashes.
  • Adding rush shards make dark blade faster.
  • Adding vibrant gems increase ether steal.

Shadowcast (7)

Shadow Gun
An awful blast of dark energy.20 EtherYou fire a melee-ranged shot at your mouse cursor. Can be modified to add more shots, or create explosive effects on hits. Blockable.
  • Adding 1 Blast Spark will make your Shadow Gun a barrage. It will, however, also triple the ether cost from what’s displayed (I.E. a 19% ether cost shadow gun will actually cost 57% of your ether.)
  • Adding Lenses will increase the range of the blast forward
  • Adding Cloudstones will increase the height and width of the blast
  • Its animation is identical to the Duelist's M2 from Rogue Lineage.
  • Guardbreaks at Lvl 5.

Shadowcast (8)

A shadowy hand.50 EtherTargets one enemy within a radius around the caster (signified by a red glow around the targeted foe) and lifts them up into the air before slamming them down, dealing a decent amount of damage and refilling about the same amount of ether as the spell cost. the caster and target (?) have iframes during the choke animation. Blockable, multihits and deals little to no posture damage
  • Can be modified with lenses to increase range
  • Notoriously buggy when used against humanoid npcs, often hitting them and showing the slam effects, but dealing no (?) damage or stun

Shadowcast (9)

Shadow Chains
Chains of shadow.15 EtherThe user swipes with their right hand before conjuring three portals that launch shadow chains towards the users cursor. When hit, the chains will latch on to their opponent, dealing a small amount of damage, slowing them and draining their ether based on the number of chains applied for a duration of 3 seconds
  • Duration of the chain effect can be increased with Logstones
  • Chain projectile speed and range can be increased with Drift shards and Crystal lenses
  • Casts an extra chain at level 5 [Testing needed]

Shadowcast (10)

Shadow Eruption
Form a shockwave of darkness.50 EtherThe user makes a swipe with their right hand before releasing a large sphere of shadow. It hits twice and covers the opponent in shadow both times. It is blockable.
  • Unaffected by Glass & Magnifying Stones.
  • Although, Stratus Stones and Cloud Stones do increase the size of the eruption.

Shadowcast (11)

Shadow Seekers

Call forth the void to track your opponents.60 EtherThe user snaps their fingers, and dozens of void orbs float out from their position and slowly chase

nearby opponents until the duration has expired or the orb has made contact with the target. Orbs

do a small amount of damage and steal a large amount of ether.

  • Shares a cooldown with Shadow Meteors.
  • If attacked while casting, the Shadow Seekers will dissipate
  • You cannot use any Mantras after using this Mantra until the orbs have either hit the target or despawned.
  • If managed to hit, Shadow Seekers will replenish equal or more ether cost.
  • Cloudstones and Stratus Stones increase the amount of shadow seekers, to around 3 times more.

Shadowcast (12)

Shadow Roar
Roar a wave of shadows.50 EtherThe user leans forward, locking themselves in place, before emitting a large cloud of shadow in front of them. It deals repeated damage and ether drain for the duration. Your movement speed will be decreased heavily. Can be parried. Shadow Roar will stop casting if hit.

"hit em with a scream!"

Shadowcast (13)

Rising Shadow
Form a Shockwave of darkness.50 EtherUser moves their hands outward, creating a black tendril that chases nearby enemies. When connecting

with an enemy, they will be lifted into the air and smashed into the ground, dealing damage and stealing ether. This attack can summon multiple tendrils to grab multiple people simultaneously.

  • Drift and Rush Shards increase projectile speed.
  • Adding 1 Blast Spark will make your Rising Shadow apply a status effect that massively increases mantra ether cost and returns a portion of ether consumed to the user if enemies manage to cast a mantra.

Shadowcast (14)

Shadow Meteors
Hail down meteors of darkness.65 Ether3 meteors fall down towards your cursor. Each meteor falls after the other and each can have a different landing location. Blockable.
  • Shares a cooldown with Shadow Seekers.

Shadowcast (15)

Shade Bringer
Temporarily summon a shadow greatsword for a large slash.
  • Cannot be feinted.
50 EtherUser creates a large black sword from their hands, using it to slash the enemy in front of them.
  • Adding 1 spring spark will instead lunge you forward and slam down on the enemy.

Shadowcast (16)

  • Adding 1 multiplying spark will slash three times instead of once.

Shadowcast (17)

  • You can combine spring and multiplying sparks on this Mantra Shadowcast (18)

Shadowcast (19)

Eclipse Kick
Show your foes your strength.35 EtherThe user performs a slow axe kick, causing nearby opponents to be ragdolled and flung back.
  • Requires 15 Strength[1] and 50 Shadowcast.
  • Deals a massive amount of posture and health damage.
  • Can also break certain tiles and fell trees.
  • When maxed out (Lv. 5), has the ability to blockbreak the opponent.
  • If a Multiplying Spark is added the kick will be replaced with a fast short ranged and low damage high kick. if this move lands, it will daze the opponent and casting the Mantra again shortly after will cast the default Eclipse Kick. If whiffed, you will have to wait for the full duration of the cooldown to cast again.
Shadowcast (20)
Shadow Vortex
Create a shadow vortex that pulls in everything in its surrounding.100 EtherThe user casts a vortex in the direction they are facing, creating an area that will pull up and keep the rocks above its center, later doing the same with the enemy too. The Mantra doesn't combat tag and has no vertical range cap.
  • You can shoot a Shadow Gun into the vortex after it has grabbed a target. Doing so will cause it to explode, dealing extra damage and stealing a high amount of Ether.
  • Is compatible, and can be modified with Glass/Magnifying Stones to increase the range, though it seems to display diminishing returns.


MediaNameCardDescriptionEther CostEffect
Shadowcast (21)
Shade Devour
Gorge on your own health for raw strength55 EtherCauses a damaging shockwave, adds a +20% weapon damage buff to the user, consumes health upon use.
  • Can be upgraded with a Blast Spark to perform a bigger shockwave.
  • Can be upgraded with a Multiplying Spark to perform 3 shockwaves instead of 1.
  • These sparks can be combined.
  • Spine Cutter cannot be used while Shade Devour is active
Shadowcast (22)
Devouring Eye
Summons a fragile eye that consumes the ether of those who try to cast Mantras within its gaze.40 EtherCreates an Eye that steals the ether of anybody that casts a Mantra within its gaze
Shadowcast (23)
Shade Wisp
Summon a servant of Shade70 EtherCloaks the caster in darkness and reduces their visibility
  • Grants passive tempo
  • Requires a Ritual Cast
  • Visibility reduction towards the caster is reduced

Currently can bug, not allowing you to complete the ritual cast and requiring you to holster your weapon.


MediaNameCardDescriptionEther CostEffect

Shadowcast (24)


Conjure shadows around your enemy before

warp-striking to them.

90 Ether

The user will summon shadows around their target and teleport to them after a short wait.

  • Attacks done before teleporting will continue after the teleport. for instance, a Mantra cast during the windup of encircle will continue to be cast after the teleport, allowing you to mitigate the high windup of certain criticals or Mantras, such as Eclipse Kick
  • Will still teleport the user if parried/dodged
Shadowcast (25)
A rush of darkness.50 EtherWindup before turning into shadows and dashing forward, dealing very minor damage to anyone in your way while applying darkness. Blockable.
  • Lenses increase distance.
  • Can be modified with a blast spark to do a barrage of shadows when hitting an opponent whilst you're 40% or less HP.


  • Darksiphon

  • Death Speaker

  • Shadowcaster

  • Twisted Puppets

These are talents found in the Darksiphon category.

MediaTalentCard DescriptionEffect
Shadowcast (26)
Dark God
If a shadowcast mantra would drain your opponent's Ether to 0, drain from their Tempo instead and increase your Tempo.
+1 Elemental Intensity
Shadowcast (27)
Dark Hours
Your Shadowcast Mantras deal more damage at night.
+4 Elemental Intensity
Shadowcast (28)
Dark Synergy
(SHADOW 45, Dark God)
Engulf your enemy in shadows when flourishing them.
+1 Elemental Intensity
Shadowcast (29)
Dark Replenishment
(SHADOW 50, INTEL 25, Dark God)
Knocking out an enemy in combat restores a portion of your ether.
Shadowcast (30)
Dark Rift
(SHADOW 60, Dark Hours)
Enter a rifted state when you successfully dodge, where you can't be damaged until its duration ends. Can be cancelled with feinting or attacking.
+4 Elemental Intensity
Shadowcast (31)
(SHADOW 40, Dark God)
Stealing enough ether to fill your bar now stores the extras in your Tempo.
+3 Elemental Intensity
Shadowcast (32)
Overwhelming Drain
(SHADOW 40, Shadow Eruption)
If multiple enemies are hit by your Shadow Eruption, they are dazed.
Shadowcast (33)
Shadow Overflow
(SHADOW 55, Dark God)
Extra ether stolen with mantras are exerted as dark energy, damaging and absorbing ether from those nearby.
+3 Elemental Intensity

These are talents found in the Death Speaker category.

MediaTalentCard DescriptionEffect
Shadowcast (34)
Black Hole
(SHADOW 60, POWER 13, Singularity)
Your singularity pulls everyone nearby in.
+1 Elemental Intensity
Shadowcast (35)
Energy Siphon
(SHADOW 65, Singularity)
Your singularity now pulls ether from the extra players affected.

These are talents found in the Shadowcaster category.

MediaTalentCard DescriptionEffect
Shadowcast (36)
Harnesss the power of Shadow in your mantra crafting.
Shadowcast (37)
Adept Shadowcaster
You can now obtain 1-Star Leveled Shadowcaster Mantras.
Shadowcast (38)
Expert Shadowcaster
You can now obtain 2-Star Leveled Shadowcaster Mantras.
Shadowcast (39)
Master Shadowcaster
You can now obtain 3-Star Leveled Shadowcaster Mantras.
+5 Health
Shadowcast (40)
Shadow Travel
(SHADOW 75, Dark God)
Teleport to a location in exchange for Ether cost. Certain ranges will require a health sacrifice. Be careful as this technique can prove lethal to the user.
Shadowcast (41)
Blossoming Darkness
(SHADOW 30, Shadow Roar)
Ether drained during Shadow Roar increases the size of it.
+1 Elemental Intensity
Shadowcast (42)
Enemies will briefly hang in place when they run from you.
+4 Elemental Intensity
Shadowcast (43)
Lasting Sorrow
Shadow lasts longer on your opponent.
+4 Elemental Intensity
Shadowcast (44)
Sightless Still
The more a person is affected by your shadowcast the more you obscure their vision. Block breaking an opponent obscures their vision with darkness more potent than your Shadow mantras.
+5 Elemental Intensity
Shadowcast (45)
Enemies will briefly hang in place when hit by a shadow move.
+1 Elemental Intensity

These talents are found in the Twisted Puppets category.

MediaTalentCard DescriptionEffects
Shadowcast (46)
Wraith Path: Twisted Puppets
Your Flamecharm mantras summon puppets of shadow and flame. Your flames are now black.
(+4 Elemental Intensity)
Shadowcast (47)
Burning Puppets
(Wraith Path: Twisted Puppets, 40 FLAME, 40 SHADOW)
Your puppets can now inflict burn and fire-based talents when they explode.
(+4 Elemental Intensity)
Shadowcast (48)
Explosive Rage
(Wraith Path: Twisted Puppets, 40 FLAME, 40 SHADOW)
Causing explosion will make your puppets go into a frenzy - speeding up and dealing slightly more damage.
(+4 Elemental Intensity)
Shadowcast (49)
Moths to a Flame
(Wraith Path: Twisted Puppets, 40 FLAME, 40 SHADOW)
You summon a puppet of black flames that homes onto enemies with black flames.
(+4 Elemental Intensity)
Shadowcast (50)
Burning Sacrifice
(Wraith Path: Twisted Puppets, Emperor Flame)
Sacrifice puppets who have been alive for half of their lifetime and burn purple for Flame Emperor Stacks.


Shadowcast (51)

Shade Wisp concept art


  • In past updates the selection icon for Shadowcast had the same art as Flamecharm, but was oddly tinted white.
  • Many factions view the use of Shadowcast as taboo due to the nature of the Attunement.
  • Shadow Vortex is a reference to Planetary Devastation from Naruto Shippuden.
  • Shade Wisp is arguably one of the most controversial Mantras ever added to the game, as its purpose is to hide animations. The reason this was added was, according to its creator yayafino, because he hated "parry bots," though he would later clarify this was him trolling. This came shortly after the appearances of the Big Alchemist's Hat and Big Herbalist's Hat were reworked by co-owner Ragoozer himself due to them hiding animations, which some came to view as a direct betrayal of the ethos of the game's very owners. Not helping this was that, according to tester MrTheBest2, almost every tester was staunchly against Shade Wisp's inclusion; it didn't even get past testing, but it was added to the game.
  • Shadowcast has a Talent which blinds the victim on consecutive shadow stacks, however this blind ironically turns the victim's screen white.
    • Additionally, several Shadowcast moves charge up with a white light.
      Shadowcast (52)
  • Shadowcast has many moves that seem to be direct references to abilities in Rogue Lineage and Tales from the Valley, and the element seems to have much more general utility than the others.
    • An interesting example of this would be using a blast spark on Shadow Gun, giving it a striking resemblance to Duelist Dash (and by extension, Cero Metralleta from Bleach).
  • Just like every other attunement, Shadowcast has its own legendary weapon called the Crypt Blade. It is an elemental greatsword found in The Depths, similarly to Shadowcast, or obtained from Maestro Evengarde Rest.
  • Shadowcast is the only Attunement to have two trainers: Nostor and Beatra. However, Beatra cannot be used to obtain Shadowcast or to progress the Silentheart Oath, but only to upgrade Shadowcast mantras without going to Scyphozia.
  • Shadowcast appears to be the attunement associated with the Ministry, although NPCs not associated can be seen using it.


  1. 2/12/2023 Patch Notes


Base Attunements FlamecharmFrostdraw Thundercall Galebreathe
Obtainable Attunements Shadowcast Ironsing

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Shadowcast (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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