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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure boasts numerous forms of media, with one of the most prominent being "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Eyes Of Heaven." JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven" is an action-fighting video game that features characters and Stands from all eight parts of the "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" manga, offering 2v2 tag-team battles and an original storyline supervised by the series creator, Hirohiko Araki.

The most apparent aspect is that the storyline of Eyes Of Heaven is not considered canon to the original story, leading fans to believe that everything within the game is "irrelevant" or deviates from the intended purpose. This misconception has caused confusion and shaped a false perception of the game's content. In this post, we will explore the correlation between Eyes of Heaven and the canon series, as well as the overlooked elements during its development.

#1: Like a Stand without its user, Eyes of Heaven dances on the fringes of canon

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Eyes of Heaven's storyline is entirely detached from the canon narrative and exists outside the established multiverse. Serving as a purely imaginative experience, the game reflects certain canon elements but essentially stands as a "What If" scenario within the JoJo universe.


"For those who have read the original manga, in chapter 6 father pucci mentions that DIO was looking for a way to reach heaven but unfortunately he wasn't able to since he was killed in chapter 3. So the story mainly revolves around...if...DIO was able to reach heaven..."

The official developer of the game has verified that Eyes of Heaven is designed to showcase an event that plausibly could have been part of the canon storyline. He uses canon material to explain the purpose of the game. The game aims to portray what could have unfolded in canon had DIO successfully reached heaven. As such, everything within Eyes Of Heaven serves as a reflection upon the canon material.

Doubts surrounding Eyes Of Heaven's canonical status may arise due to 1 reason...

"Araki Didn't Write The Story Of The Game": Undoubtedly, Araki's involvement in supervising the story for Eyes Of Heaven is well-established, a crucial step to ensure it aligns with the canon rules of the original universe. This collaboration with the author was necessary to avoid any discrepancies. However, the extent of his involvement remains a pivotal question: to what degree did he contribute?

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The prevalent belief stems from multiple sources indicating that Araki authored the game's story, leading to the notion that Eyes Of Heaven events hold some canon significance(I'll explain this more later). Nevertheless, opposing views argue that Araki didn't write the story, with the feats presented in the game being the most widely cited evidence to support their claim. The most noticeable feats involve the relationship between Star Platinum and Gold Experience Requiem.

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¨“The Ability Of Requiem That Has Been Turned Into Cannot Be Compared With The Same Ruler As The Standing Stand). Even Giorno of the Main Body Doesn't Know About The Rigorous power that Make Every Will and Power Be Lost. In Front Of Requiem, The Will of All Enemies is Powerless. The Enemies will never have the result of their Will.. Giorno Giavana April 1985 Born on the 16th, Blood type AB type. Finally gained the power to dominate with its indebted spirit and stood at the top of destruction power. It has evolved and power and speed have been greatly improved, powerless!"

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"After destroying Polnareff's Requiem, Giorno, who obtained the "Arrow", pierces his own Gold Experience and evolves it. The power of the "Arrow" is completely under his control. His ability is to reduce all will and actions of the attacking opponent to zero. Furthermore, because it has an attack power that exceeds all existing Stands, it can be said to be the Ultimate Stand. Those who were defeated by Requiem return to zero and die many times. As a result, Diavolo. who believed in his prediction and attacked, will continue to experience death forever."

According to Araki, the power of requiem is an ability that transcends stand stats entirely. Moreover, it possesses an "attack power" that surpasses all existing stands. However, when we examine Eyes Of Heaven, it seems to present a contrasting view to this notion.


Gold Experience Requiem attempted an attack, only to be effortlessly countered by The World Over Heaven's swift reaction. However, Jotaro, quick on his feet, managed to travel and attack at an even faster pace than Gold Experience Requiem, landing a hit on DIO. Despite this, some may argue that DIO was simply caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events.


As the game progresses, this argument weakens when DIO and Jotaro engage in a one-on-one showdown towards the end, still showcasing similar power scaling. Some may contend that Jolyne's involvement made a difference, but it becomes evident that her contribution was minimal as DIO effortlessly incapacitates and kills her with Stone Free. Furthermore, DIO praises Star Platinum's power but remains silent about Jolyne's impact, reinforcing their distinct roles in the fight. There is also the argument that the stand depicted towards the end of the game is not "Star Platinum" but rather "Star Platinum Over Heaven." This isn't completely false, however, it still retains the original appearance of Star Platinum. It has not fully evolved into the heaven form. It only inherits the Over-Heaven powers, resulting in the name change to "Star Platinum Over Heaven." Another way to look at it is "Star Platinum Over Heaven" refers to the stand's ability, similar to Jotaro's use of "Star Platinum: The World" as an ability, regardless of the name change in Part 6. Both Star Platinum and The World Over Heaven likely share similar, if not identical, physical capabilities that both overthrown Gold Experience Requiems.

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While Funny Valentine had undoubtedly taken into account the formidable power of Gold Experience Requiem and Tusk Act 4, his focus was unexpectedly diverted towards something else altogether.

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Despite being aware of the extraordinary power of Giorno's Requiem ability, Funny Valentine boldly asserts that Star Platinum is the most potent stand the world has ever witnessed, practically invincible in its might.

How can this discrepancy be explained? In the data books, Araki presents one perspective, yet in Eyes Of Heaven, a different approach is taken. Well, we have to look back on the data books.

When Araki stated Gold Experience Requiem possessed an attack power that exceeded all existing stands, it's likely he wasn't referring to physical capability but rather Return To 0 itself.

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The statement regarding an attack power that surpasses all existing stands is accompanied by the appearance of Return To 0 on the page. This correlation is logical, given that Return To 0 is described as an ability that "exceeds existing stands." The proximity of the Return To 0 scene reinforces the notion of an extraordinary attack power being depicted in the context. Araki is referring to Return To 0 as an attack power, not Gold Experience Requiems actual physical force. This dispels the notion that Gold Experience Requiem is superior to stands akin to Star Platinum in terms of strength.

(Before moving on, quick sidenote: We also have to remember that Araki is obligated to change his opinion. In fact, we see Araki stops saying this in JoJovellar. The statement regarding Gold Experience Requiem having an attack power that exceeds all existing stands just so happens to disappear in the next data book which so happened to release 2 years before Eyes Of Heaven's release date. Coincidence? I think not. Araki just simply dropped the idea of Gold Experience Requiem surpassing stands in physical capability or overall power in general. This is also ignoring the fact that any statement that has come out before Eyes Of Heaven, would be entirely irrelevant as Eyes Of Heaven shares the same power scaling as canon and holds the narrative as Star Platinum being the ultimate stand throughout all of history)

Now for argument's sake, let's say it is talking about strength, its possibly comparing it to a current Star Platinum. In other words, Araki would consider Gold Experience Requiem to be the physically strongest stand when as of the moment but Star Platinum is the strongest stand in terms of potential. It's physical capability that it CAN gain is Unrivaled. This would make sense with the context of each stand. Star Platinum is considered the strongest stand known to man while Gold Experience Requiem was considered the strongest stand "at the time". What I'm trying to say is that Star Platinum has been shown to have this minor "evolution", if you will.

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"Remain Calm and attack with overwhelming explosive power!

It doesn't suit his youth and he often thinks he's "cold" because he doesn't feel it necessary to express his emotions and he takes it for granted. However, in the depths of his heart is that of a gentle and young man who thinks of his mother.

Also, if he gets angry, he will get an untouchable power!

His Stand is that of Star Platinum. With the help of Jotaro's calm judgement, he boasts overwhelming strength. His name began with "Jo" and his surname lead with "Jo" so his friends came to call him "JoJo"."

We know these rage amps cause a significant different

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Star Platinum goes from getting casually blitzed by The World

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Being able to punch DIO faster than his through process(DIO tried to stop time, but Jotaro stated he had punched DIO before Timestop went into effect)

Jotaro's rage boost becomes evident when he faces a man who kills his grandfather and attempts to harm his mother. Upon encountering a man who has not only murdered his grandfather and attempted to harm his mother but also annihilated his entire bloodline, friends, and family, Jotaro's rage amplification would soar to unimaginable levels. The intensity of his anger in this circ*mstance would be unparalleled.

This would explain feats like this:

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“-! Flick's pebbles at a speed that the super-speed King Crimson cannot see. It has the power to penetrate your hands and destroy the building"

Allegedly, Gold Experience Requiem possesses the power to demolish buildings with a mere flick of a pebble. Nevertheless, there are a few aspects to consider that might debunk this claim.

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It's important to note that Gold Experience Requiem didn't destroy an entire building but rather a small portion, comparable to a car bumper being hit and saying "You destroyed my car!". While the context might not perfectly align, the fact remains that Gold Experience Requiem accomplished this with a simple pebble flick. Given this, one could argue Gold Experience Requiem has better feats to hat of Star Platinum

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Admittedly, the most Star Platinum has been shown to do is flick a few cans, but that doesn't necessarily indicate its full potential. This could explain the differentiation of feats within both storiew. Jotaro was fueled by rage every time he faced Heaven Ascension DIO, thereby enabling his power to surpass its canonical counterpart. Its physical power surpassing that of Gold Experience Requiem in Eyes Of Heaven. This once again adds up with the context of both stands. When Araki talks about Hold Experience Requiem, he always brings up the fact that hes only comparing Gold Experience Requiem to "current existing" stands but with Star Platinum, he states Star Platinum is the strongest stand of all time. Had the "attack power that exceeds existing stands" statement refer to physical strength, its moreso Araki talking about the current era Gold Experience Requiem find himself in while Star Platinum is a stand that holds much more power inside that is considered unrivaled throughout history. In other words, Gold Experience Requiem would be physically the strongest stand in current existence while Star Plaitinum is the strongest stand of standkind(If that makes sense? In other words, Star Platinum just holds more power. It has the potential to surpass Gold Experience Requiem given Jotaros rage. While some may say Star Platinum surpassing stand stats is outrageous, Jotaros rage is also considered outrageous. His rage has no correlation with his stand other than the fact that it gives it a powerboost so Star Platinum being given a power boost thats coming from his user and so happens to surpasses the strength stand stat, it doesnt sound all that crazy. It seems to add up perfectly based on how ridiculous Jotaros rage is meant to be. Of course, this is all assuming that Gold Experiences power stat is referring to its strength and not power of the ability, Return To 0)hence making the context of him being the strongest stand correct while having less impressive feats.

Another way to look at this is level of effort exerted by Star Platinum during those flicks remains unclear. It's entirely possible that its flicks could be more nonchalant than those of Gold Experience Requiem. A remote chance exists that Star Platinum has considerably diminished in power over the past decade. I use the term "remote" because some translations indicate that Star Platinum's strength in Part 4 remained "undiminished." It is plausible that Araki may have abandoned this concept, given that a few characters in Eyes Of Heaven mention a variance in Star Platinum's power compared to their previous experiences.

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Jolyne claims that Jotaro's power pales in comparison to what she has witnessed before. While it's true that Jolyne has had limited exposure to her father's Stand abilities, this is most likely the work of authors intent)

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(While this quote from Josuke isn't part of the story, I'm just gonna bring it up just in case.)

Again, this could either be the work of rage amps or Jotaros stand had weakened overtime.

This resolves any concerns regarding the physical capabilities between Star Platinum and Gold Experience Requiem, as Star Platinum would unquestionably surpass Gold Experience Requiem in both strength and speed(whether you think Star Platinum already surpasses Gold Experience Requiem or can with its rage amps is up to speculation)

Now, many might argue that since Return To 0 is declared to surpass existing stands, it automatically implies it also exceeds Time Stop. However, the statement that Return To 0 surpasses existing stands can be open to multiple interpretations. For instance, it could signify that Jotaro's Time Stop is under the 5-second mark, preventing it from being considered the "ultimate stand ability." This interpretation aligns with Araki's tendency to refer to Star Platinum's Time Stop as the "ultimate stand ability" only when it reaches its full 5-second duration.

Another way to look at it is when Gold Experience Requiem is stated to "exceed existing stands," it might not necessarily mean "every stand," but rather "the majority of stands." Another interesting point to consider is the contrasting focus on Gold Experience Requiem's single statement versus Star Platinum's comprehensive narrative, extensive appearances in games, and even dedicated manga arcs hailing it as "Unrivaled." This observation underscores the prevalence of authorial emphasis and exaggeration surrounding Star Platinum's prowess, which can be intriguing to ponder in comparison to Gold Experience Requiem's singular claim. I mean come on guys...Its 1 Gold Experience Requiem statement against a buffet of Star Platinum w*nk.

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In part 6, the notion of Time Stop being the ultimate standability is consistently emphasized. This perfectly matches up with Eyes Of Heaven's involvement introducing a character well aware of both Gold Experience Requiem and Star Platinum and practically stating the same exact thing. Araki seems to speak from a general standpoint when talking about Gold Expeirnce Requiem's ability but then talks from a centered standpoint with Star Platnum's ability, implying that Return To 0 is an ultimate standability with Timestop being the Ultimate stand ability. (I should also add that in some translations, Araki states Return To 0 can be "considered" the ultimate stand rather than outright calling it the ultimate stand. Again, this is shown in some translations. Could be a mistranslation but I may as well bring it up)

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There are those who may contend that Return To 0 is still regarded as transcending stand stats, in contrast to Star Platinum's stats. The distinction between the two lies in the fact that Gold Experience Requiem's stats assess its inherent ability, whereas Star Platinum's stand stats gauge its physical capabilities. Had Star Platinum's stats been centered around its own ability, they might have mirrored Gold Experience Requiem's. Consequently, there might arise the question of whether Return To 0 indeed possesses physical stats such as strength, durability, and precision.

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Both Gold Experience Requiem and stands like Burning Down The House are categorized with "none" in their stats. However, this designation is not indicative of Burning Down The House surpassing stand stats; rather, it simply means that the stand lacks these attributes entirely. As a ghost room, Burning Down The House naturally lacks strength, speed, durability, precision, or potential—hence why its stat is listed as "none" to accurately reflect its unique nature. The same would apply to Return To 0. It's an ability after all. It lacks physical capability, hence the term "none".

I've seen some other argument going around saying there is more than one kind of "none" stat. However, in the raw translations of the manga, the symbols of Japanese remain the same for the "none" stat for both stands

Gold Experience Requiem:

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Burning Down The House:

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While were on the subject, we may as well go over the reasoning for the stats being the way they are..(For Gold Experience Requiem)

Its "none" in power most likely refers to power for abilities rather than power in strength as Return To 0 is stated to have "power" that exceeds existing stands. "None" in speed most likely means Return To 0 doesnt require any sort of speed as it is a passive ability that just activates according to those that attack him.

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Diavolo hints at the fact that he has not yet resumed time by saying "I, Diavolo, should be able to move within erased time". Implying that Return To 0 had activated within erased time.

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No, Gold Experience Requiem does not possess resistance to time erase, as evident from its direct influence by the ability just moments before the activation of Return To 0.

Some might contend that Diavolo's actions indicated he believed time was no longer being erased and he was only tricked by the effects of Return To 0, as he attempted to attack Giorno on multiple occasions. This would appear odd if Diavolo had kept his time-erase ability activated. Given his awareness that he cannot attack during erased time, it would be reasonable to assume he had deactivated the ability. For argument's sake, let's say the time eraser did end.

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"Overwhelming destructive power to penetrate the enemy".

"With the ability to skip time, he approaches the enemy while passing through the enemy's attack, and lands a direct attack at the moment the ability is released. The enemy is unaware that time has been erased, so they fall into a state of surprise/confusion. The main battle style is to throw a punch with outstanding destructive power that is delivered with super speed."

Due to the nature of time erase negating reaction abilities, Gold Experience Requiem would face hindrances in activating its own ability independently. This circ*mstance provides evidence to support the claim that Return To 0 is an automatic passive ability, as Gold Experience Requiem's reaction speed would be nullified by time erase, preventing it from initiating its ability.

Another point people will make is this:

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The concept of requiem is to surpass stand capabilities and transcend the conventional understanding of stands. While this holds true, a comparable notion was bestowed upon Star Platinum in Eyes Of Heaven.

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Star Platinum is a stand that defies all expectations and "should not be." Its existence is beyond ordinary comprehension, granting everyone a glimpse of the seemingly impossible and instilling a belief in the extraordinary. This is the point of Star Platinum and The World. The stands of the impossible...

For those who still doubt Araki's involvement in writing the game's story alone, it's essential to note that he supervised the process. Supervision entails ensuring that everything progresses correctly, without flaws or mistakes in the narrative. The plot point about Star Platinum possessing power beyond all other stands is explicitly made within the story, and if it were erroneous, Araki would not have allowed it. No matter the perspective, Araki has firmly established the notion of Star Platinum being the ultimate stand.

So we know Araki's involvement within Eyes Of Heaven can give us some information regarding the canon universe. This brings us to our next discussion...

#2: An Eye Of Heaven...

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When contemplating the game "Eyes Of Heaven," many tend to overlook the significance of its title. The question arises: what does "Eyes Of Heaven" actually symbolize? Is it merely a title without deeper meaning?

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Enrico Pucci gains the "Made In Heaven" ability, which perfectly complements his overarching ambition, his "Eye of Heaven." This powerful Stand ability enables him to accelerate time to an unprecedented degree, aiming to bring peace to humanity by aligning everyone with their destined fates. This is Pucci's "Eye Of Heaven".

Let's look at DIO

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DIO, an individual driven by a thirst for power and dominance, coveted control over "The World."


It becomes apparent that DIO's perspective on the Joestars is not that of mere enemies, but rather individuals bound by an intertwined destiny. He sees them as instruments of fate—a destiny he is relentlessly striving to overcome.

DIO endeavors to rise above the constraints of destiny, assert control over humanity and ascend to become the ultimate being of power and influence. What is The World Over Heaven? Just that...

This stand possesses the remarkable capacity to rewrite destiny, subjugate those within its grasp, and transcend the very apex of potential evolutions among all stands. This is DIO's "Eye Of Heaven".

For those who haven't already caught on, the term "Eye Of Heaven" represents an individual's personal perception of heaven and how they envision and project it. Hence why Pucci and DIO have opposite intended purposes when it comes to them and their heaven stands. Made In Heaven is meant to help humanity while The World Over Heaven can do the opposite. In other words, the divergent intentions of Pucci and DIO regarding their respective heaven stands highlight their contrasting philosophies. "Made In Heaven" is geared towards aiding humanity and bringing peace through its ability to reset fate and accelerate time, while "The World Over Heaven" possesses the power to alter reality and exert control, potentially leading to opposite outcomes. The dichotomy in their stands' intended purposes emphasizes the profound differences between Pucci's quest for harmony and DIO's desire for supremacy.

The Heaven plan shares certain parallels with the notion of the requiem arrow, as it bestows an ability that caters to an individual's desires. Nonetheless, it goes beyond a mere wish and delves into the realm of perspective or ideology. One might liken it to an intensified version of the requiem concept, "requiem on steroids." The influence and prowess of a heaven stand are intricately tied to the user's personal "Eye Of Heaven".

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As mentioned in part 6, there are indications that DIO once sought to possess the power of "Time Acceleration." However, over time, DIO's character may have undergone transformations. While he might have experienced moments of sympathy and regret for his past actions, the discovery of his stand's true potential likely overshadowed these emotions, fueling an unyielding desire for more power and dominance. An alternative perspective to consider is that this time acceleration might manifest differently, potentially opposing the notion of aiding humanity and instead, leaning towards the opposite effect. Undoubtedly, DIO's "Eye Of Heaven" has evolved into a far more intricate and profound force, encompassing aspects of destiny and reality, thereby bestowing him with the remarkable ability to rewrite reality itself. There are those who might argue that DIO was already attempting to obtain "Time Acceleration" even during the events of Part 3, but it is essential to acknowledge that such claims are purely based on headcanon or personal speculation without concrete evidence. The story hints at DIO's previous attempt to attain this ability without specifying the exact timing. It remains uncertain whether it occurred before or after his encounter with Pucci, leaving room for interpretation and uncertainty regarding the chronology of events.

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Pucci confirms that there is more than one way to heaven. Even goes on to say that DIO found "true heaven". This is Pucci basically saying DIO's Eye of Heaven could help save humanity more than his own Eye of Heaven. Pucci's way to heaven still exists but he doesn't want to do it anymore because there is a better Eye Of Heaven...

#3: Over Heaven...

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Contemplating the vast and immeasurable potential of heaven, one cannot help but wonder about the extent of its power and influence. Embarking on a profound exploration, we delve into the remarkable feats that DIO, together with his formidable stand, The World Over Heaven, has demonstrated through this mysterious ability. Through a meticulous examination of the unparalleled abilities bestowed upon this enigmatic ability, we seek to unravel the mysteries and fathom the limitless possibilities that lay within the realm of heaven's influence.

The World Over Heaven vs Tusk Act 4 and Love Train:

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The World Over Heaven Overwrite Tusk Act 4 Bullets.

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"ACT 4's attack will endlessly spin the enemy's cells, and there is no end to its damage...

Even when Parallel World Dio stopped time, perhaps due to transcending to another dimension, it was able to move for just a little bit inside it.

Although a bitter battle, the power of the rotation saved the day

ACT 4 was awakened from the rotation Gyro told to Johnny at the cost of his life. His ability to transcend dimensions crushed President Valentine's ability to travel to parallel worlds, but they were countered by a Dio's THE WORLD who was brought over from another dimension. But in the end, the rotation saved Johnny."

Tusk Act 4 possesses the remarkable capability to transcend dimensions, wielding its "infinite rotation" to traverse space and time with unparalleled prowess. However, despite this extraordinary power, The World Over Heaven was able to overcome and defeat it. The World Over Heaven's ability to rewrite reality and manipulate the very fabric of existence granted it a level of supremacy that surpassed even the impressive feats of Tusk Act 4. The World Over Heaven's dominance prevailed, leaving a testament to the profound and enigmatic nature of Heaven's ultimate power.

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"An evolutionary system of D4C that transcends dimensions. The reason why the president is the boss is that on "Independence Day," I saw the president himself go to battle, and that was interesting."

Love Train enables him to transcend an infinite number of dimensions, providing an unparalleled defense that redirects misfortune away from him. Despite this impressive capability, it was acknowledged that Love Train could never harbor the wish to defeat The World Over Heaven. Even with Love Train's incredible dimensional transcendence, it pales in comparison to The World Over Heaven's unfathomable authority.

The World Over Heaven Vs Gold Experience Requiem

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Gold Experience Requiem possesses the extraordinary ability to nullify any action, effectively preventing any reality from unfolding. This power goes beyond the conventional concepts of stands, rendering it a force of incomprehensible magnitude. The World Over Heaven's ability is the reverse. It turns what he wishes into reality. In a sense, it's a counter to Gold Experience Requiem. You can't prevent a truth if it's already met...

In a fascinating clash of powers, stands with reality-denying abilities and the capability to transcend dimensions, such as Gold Experience Requiem, Tusk Act 4, and Love Train, found themselves outmatched by the indomitable force of The World Over Heaven. Despite Love Train's impressive defense that redirected misfortune, Gold Experience Requiem's ability to nullify actions, and Tusk Act 4's phenomenal dimensional transcendence, none of these powers could prove victorious against The World Over Heaven's awe-inspiring reality overwrite ability. This enigmatic ability allowed The World Over Heaven to reshape and manipulate reality itself, elevating it to an unparalleled level of dominance within the captivating world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. This extraordinary revelation accentuates the profound enigma and boundless potential of heaven's ultimate power, establishing The World Over Heaven as an insurmountable force within the JoJo universe.

The World Over Heaven Infinite Speed:

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According to Giorno, the moment his stand touched The World Over Heaven, Return To 0 was triggered, but its effects were negated before they could fully activate. This indicates that The World Over Heaven must have nullified Return To 0 either at the exact moment of activation or after activation but before its effects took place. This distinction is crucial because if The World Over Heaven had nullified Return To 0 after activation but before its effects, it would imply an infinite Speed Feat for The World Over Heaven. Passive abilities are known to activate and take effect instantaneously unless proven otherwise. To unravel this intricate puzzle, further investigation is required to ascertain the precise timing of The World Over Heaven's nullification of Return To 0.

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Giorno's statement regarding overwriting their "attacks" leaves room for interpretation, inviting us to ponder what he precisely meant by an "attack." Does he imply, "He can negate my attack, Return To 0," or does he signify, "He negated my attack, Return To 0"? These divergent interpretations hold entirely different meanings. If Giorno meant "He can negate my attack, Return To 0," it would be equivalent to Giorno saying "He can negate our abilities" which would not give us enough information on when The World Over Heaven negated them. On the other hand, if he intended "He negated my attack, Return To 0," it implies that The World Over Heaven had to negate it after the attack had already been initiated, specifically after Return To 0 had been activated. Notably, an attack cannot be considered as such if it had not been in process.

Consequently, this linguistic nuance urges us to investigate and determine the specific instance at which The World Over Heaven nullified Return To 0.

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Upon close examination of Giorno's conversation with Johnny and the phrasing "In our battle," it becomes evident that Giorno's remarks are not intended to be a general perspective. Instead, he focuses on the attacks that were launched during their direct encounter with The World Over Heaven. Giorno's inquiry about Johnny's bullets during the heat of the battle underscores the specific moment under discussion. Moreover, his statement, "In our battle, he negated our attacks," solidifies the notion that Giorno is specifically addressing attacks that were in progress or already initiated. This substantiates the understanding that Giorno's words pertain to attacks actively unfolding in the midst of their intense battle rather than encompassing a broader context. I'll say this again. If Giorno is referring to attacks that are in session, The World Over Heaven would have had to null it after activation. It would have had to be an intended will. The World Over Heaven would need to have seen or reacted to these attacks in order to nullify them. In other words, The World Over Heaven would have had to react to Return To 0 after its activation but before its effect. Resulting in The World Over Heaven infinite speed. Of course, it's important to note that this only applies to The World Over Heavens reaction speed as he reacted to Return To 0 with his reality overwrite hax(which is thought-based) rather than physically moving.

The World Over Heaven's Range:

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In the course of the game, it has become widely accepted that The World Over Heaven primarily relies on its hands to exert its ability, drawing a parallel with Killer Queen's approach. Just like Killer Queen, The World Over Heaven's power comes into play only upon contact with the target through its hands. However, a notable twist in the narrative occurs as the game progresses toward its conclusion, bringing about a change in this established belief.


As we observe DIO raising his hands into the air, a remarkable transformation unfolds before us, signifying the complete overwrite of the entire world into his reality. Everything in the vicinity undergoes a profound alteration, from the cityscape and roads to the sky itself, all reshaped by the potent influence of The World Over Heaven. This awe-inspiring power was bolstered by the collection of souls from the other characters, culminating in an extraordinary and unprecedented phenomenon.

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Jotaro even seems to have a response to the change around him as "DIO's reality".

Open Your Eyes Of Heaven... | Fandom (83)

Even goes on to say that "The world reverted back to normal". This makes The World Over Heavens ability, at the very least, universal.

However, we can take this a step further.


As DIO's body disperses the souls, they scatter randomly at first. However, when Jotaro's soul moves towards the center of the atmosphere, a remarkable shift occurs—the other souls follow suit, converging together. This amalgamation forms a radiant ball of light that floods the entire area, enveloping it in a dazzling wave of illumination.

Where have we seen this before?

Open Your Eyes Of Heaven... | Fandom (85)

It is right at this very moment that DIO's stand embarks on the absorption of the souls belonging to the entire cast, propelling its stand's evolution to new and extraordinary heights.

(If you replay both scenes with the creation of the ball of light, you get very similar audio too)

For those who grasp the significance of these events, it becomes apparent that Jotaro's Star Platinum was undergoing a transformative process, evolving into the perfected form of "Star Platinum Over Heaven." This revelation sheds light on why Jotaro's soul, which represents his stand as stands are the physical embodiment of one's soul, became the focal point for all the other souls. His soul, personified as Star Platinum, assumed the role of gathering and assimilating the other souls to propel the evolution of his stand into the final stage, Star Platinum Over Heaven.

This explains why we see all his friends alive at the end of the game

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The fates of all the characters appear to undergo significant alterations, prompting the question of why this occurred. The pivotal reason behind these transformations can be traced back to Star Platinum Over Heaven. Through his actions, Jotaro effectively reshaped the destinies of not only the characters from his own universe but also those from the Steel Ball Run universe.

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This notion gains further credence when we witness Jotaro's seamless transition back into his era without any signs of confusion or questioning about his circ*mstances. It's as if he comprehends the complexities of the situation, having successfully altered the destiny of his own universe and that of another. This profound alteration endows both the Over Heaven stands with an unprecedented multiversal reach, empowering them to manipulate the fate of the entire multiverse should they choose to do so.

(While it is true at the end of the game that DIO's powers stopped working the moment his hands were destroyed, this only means that the Over Heaven stands powers come from their hands. Not that they still need contact)

Some may ask why Jotaro lost his Overheaven powers at the end of the game. Well, we have to remember that before any of this, Jotaro was trying to lock this information away. He didn't want anyone to have these powers to begin with. Not even him. Why do you think Jotaro never achieved heaven in the manga? Of course, it would make sense for Jotaro to purposely remove his own powers as well...

In retrospect, despite some lingering controversies and varying interpretations, it becomes evident that Eyes Of Heaven does hold a degree of significance within the canon of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Araki's involvement in supervising the game's story and its portrayal of characters from different arcs contribute to its validity within the JoJo universe. While it may not be considered strict canon, it still showcases "What If" scenarios that explore the potential interactions between characters and their stands, offering fans a thrilling and imaginative experience. Eyes Of Heaven, in its own imaginative way, enriches the JoJo lore, encouraging fans to embrace the vast possibilities of the JoJo multiverse and sparking exciting discussions that contribute to the enduring fascination and appreciation for this extraordinary series. The World Over Heaven stands as a testament to the pinnacle of stand power and the boundless potential of heaven stands within the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure universe. With its reality-altering abilities, The World Over Heaven can overwrite destinies, control the multiverse, and surpass the limitations of conventional stands. Its power to nullify and rewrite the actions of other stands, including reality-altering abilities like Gold Experience Requiem and Tusk Act 4, highlights its unparalleled dominance in battles. The World Over Heaven's ability to transcend dimensions and reshape the very fabric of existence solidifies its status as an awe-inspiring force within the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure canon. As fans continue to marvel at the mesmerizing abilities showcased in Eyes Of Heaven, The World Over Heaven remains an enigmatic and captivating entity that continues to fuel the enduring fascination and appreciation for this extraordinary series. Last but not least, the term "Eyes Of Heaven" in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure represents a deeply personal and subjective perception of what heaven means to an individual. It signifies the unique lens through which one envisions their ideal paradise or utopia, shaped by their own beliefs, experiences, and desires. This concept delves into the intricacies of someones imagination and the profound yearning to transcend the mundane and mundane realities of life. The idea of "Eyes Of Heaven" showcases the power of individual perspective and the limitless potential of the spirit to create a vision of heaven that is both personal and meaningful. In the context of the heaven stands and the multiverse, this concept explores the fascinating notion of how diverse interpretations of heaven can lead to vastly different abiliteis and potential. Through the exploration of "Eyes Of Heaven," JoJo's Bizarre Adventure invites us to contemplate the ever-shifting tapestry of dreams and the awe-inspiring capacity of each person to craft their unique vision of heaven.

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey towards heaven, and I trust that this exploration has aided you in recgognizing the significance of this installment but more importantly, shaping your own Eye Of Heaven...

Open Your Eyes Of Heaven... | Fandom (89)

Open Your Eyes Of Heaven... | Fandom (2024)
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