Mila Mulroney - The Brain Project | Baycrest Foundation (2024)

Colours my World

The brain colours everything - our joys, our fears. Our world is controlled and directed by our thoughts and by our dreams, by our memory and by our discomforts and by the way our brain reacts to the world around us.

It colours our world.

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About The Artist

Mila Mulroney has been a prominent champion of charitable causes in Canada for more than three decades.

As the wife of Canada’s 18th prime minister, she attended to a full agenda of official functions in Canada and abroad during the years of her husband’s government. Mulroney also represented Canada at international forums and played a leadership role in many charitable and educational endeavours.

From 1984-1993, she served as National Chairperson of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Canada raising millions of dollars for research into this genetic killer of children while spending countless hours visiting with and encouraging and consoling the victims and their parents. Mulroney also focused on various literacy projects, working closely with Frontier College.

Today she maintains her leadership role on behalf of Cystic Fibrosis. From 2001 until this year, Mulroney was co-chair of Table of Hope/La Table du Partage, a leading Montreal charity that provides thousands of meals to more than 33 schools in less affluent neighbourhoods in Montreal. She has also served as a Board Member of Astral Media Inc., the Foundation of the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens and the McGill University School of Music. She currently serves as Vice-President of Cansult Communications.

Mulroney resides with her husband in Westmount, Quebec.

Mila Mulroney - The Brain Project | Baycrest Foundation (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.