Manatee Cam - Manatee Lagoon (2024)


Explore The Animals That Live In The Lake Worth Lagoon!

Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus)

Defining Characteristics​
Tarpon have a long, scoop-shaped mouth, can growup to eight feet long, and weight more than 350 pounds!​

They can be found in theopen ocean, as well as freshwater lakes and rivers.They are primarily found in tropical, subtropical,andtemperate climates.​

Adult tarpon are carnivorous, meaning they feed onother animals such as fish, shrimp, and crabs.​

What’s that sound? Tarpon swim to the surface totakelarge gulps of air… a way for them to get additionaloxygen!

​Fishy Feature
Tarpon are easily identified by their very shiny silversides covered in large scales.

French Angelfish (Pomacanthus paru)

Defining Characteristics​
Young French angelfish have three verticalyellow stripes on their bodies. As young Frenchangelfish mature into adults, they lose theirstripes and turn gray with yellow scales.​

French angelfish live in temperate to tropicalwaters in the Atlantic Ocean and are commonlyfound on shallow reefs.​

Adult French Angelfish feed primarily onsponges, algae, soft corals, and tunicates.​​

Juveniles tend cleaningstations where they remove parasites frommany fish such as jacks, snappers, eels, grunts,and grasses.​

​Fishy Feature
The genus name,Pomacanthus, comes from theGreek word poma, meaning cover, and the wordakantha, meaning horn.These fishhave a covering over their gills witha thorn to protect them from predators.

Needlefish (Strongylura marina)

Defining Characteristics​
These fish have a very long, slender body that ends in aneedle shaped mouth, giving them their common name.They areusually a grey/blue color withshades of green.​

Needlefish are found in temperate and tropical waters. They are seen at the surface of the water and somespecies are even found in freshwater.​

Needlefish feed on smaller fishes, cephalopods,crustaceans, and krill.​​

They can reach highspeeds while at the water’s surface and propelthemselves out of the water.​

​Fishy Feature
Needlefishdon’thave an actual stomach. Instead, they have a specializedintestinal tract.

Crevalle Jack (Caranx hippos)

Defining Characteristics​
Crevalle Jacks are usually green or gold in color. They typically have silveror yellowbellies and a black spot at the base of eachpectoral fin.​

These fish are found in deeper waters offshore in theAtlantic or the Gulf of Mexico. They are also found in freshwaterhabitats.​

All Crevalle Jacks are carnivorous. They are often seenchasing schools of baitfish in hopes of catching a meal.​​

Crevalle jacks are fine with being alone, but they also swim ingroups as a form of teamwork while hunting.​

​Fishy Feature
These fish can produce a croaking noise by grinding theirteeth while releasing gas from their air bladder.

Queen Angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris)

Defining Characteristics​
Adult Queen Angelfish have a bright yellow color with regalblue streaks along theirdorsal and anal fins.​

They are often found among coral reefs in theCaribbean and Western Atlantic.​

Their favorite snacks include plankton, sponges, algae, andbenthic invertebrates. Sometimes they will even eat parasitesfrom larger fish.

These fish are foragers, meaning they often eat as theygoabout their business on a reef. Queen Angelfish will grazealong reef habitat when they are hungry.​

​Fishy Feature
Queen Angelfish can be very shy. They are often found bythemselves unless accompanied by a mate.

Stoplight Parrotfish (Scarus virude)

Defining Characteristics​
Parrotfish get their name from their fused teeth shaped like a bird’s beak that helps scrap food from hard surfaces. They are usually a mix of blue, green, and yellow with shades of pink, purple, and many other colors.

These fish live in shallow, tropical waters among coral reefs.​

Parrotfish love to eat algae from corals, rocks, and even other animals.

Parrotfish are diurnal, meaning they have fun in the dayand sleep at night by making a cocoon out of mucus.

​Fishy Feature
Parrotfish are very important to coral reef health since they help to control the growth of excess algae on the surface of corals.

Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia aurita)

Defining Characteristics​
Moon jellyfish havea clear bell, or body, with short tentacles that line the edges of the bell.

Moon jellyfish can be found in temperate to tropical waters around the world.​

These jellyfish feed primarily on zooplankton and small fish.

Moon jellyfish have a very efficient style of locomotion and use water currents to do most of their traveling.

​Fishy Feature
A group of jellyfish is called a smack!

Great Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)

Defining Characteristics​
Great barracuda have a long, silver body with black spots on their lower sides. Their lower jaw protrudes past their upper jaw, and they have fang-like teeth.

Great barracuda can be found in tropical to subtropical waters worldwide. They can live both inshore and offshore; however, young barracuda are often found inshore in seagrass beds.​

Great barracuda are carnivorous, meaning they feed on other animals for nutrients.

Barracuda will attack schools with quick bursts of speed and are seen as ferocious predators.

​Fishy Feature
Sometimes Barracuda will form schools to hunt more effectively by herding smaller fish into larger groups.

Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas)

Defining Characteristics​
Bull sharks can grow up to 10 feet long. They have a thick a body with a gray back and white belly. They also have short, rounded snouts.

Although bull sharks are often found in the open ocean, they are also able to survive in freshwater rivers and in brackish waters, which is a mix of salt water and fresh water.​

Bull sharks are active predators that feed on a wide variety of fish and other sea animals.

These sharks are known to be unpredictable and can be very aggressive as solitary hunters.

​Fishy Feature
These sharks have been seen as far inland as the Ohio river, because of their ability to tolerate salt and fresh water.

Sergeant Major (Abudefduf saxatilis)

Defining Characteristics​
Sergeant majors have a silver body with yellow along their upper sides. They also have five vertical black bars along their sides. They get their name from these black bars, as they are thought to resemble the badge of the sergeant major military rank.

This fish can be found in warm waters throughout the world, often near reefs.​

They feed on algae, small fish, and small crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs.

These fish are colonial nesters, meaning they will often form large schools to find proper nesting sites.

​Fishy Feature
Male sergeant majors will guard their eggsuntil they hatch and are known to be very protective.

Common Snook (Centropomus undecimalis)

Defining Characteristics​
Snook have a large mouth with its lower jaw that sticks out, as well as a blackhorizontal line that runs along the side of their body.

Snook cannot tolerate water temperatures below 60° F, so they live in tropicalclimates. They can survive in both fresh and salt water.​

Snook eat a wide variety of sea creatures, such as smaller fishes, shrimps, crabs, andcopepods.

These fish are verycold sensitive. They fall in danger if water temperature fallsbelow 60°F because of their slowed metabolic rate.

​Fishy Feature
All Snookareprotandrous hermaphrodites, meaning theyare born male. After afew years of age, some will develop into females.

Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)

Defining Characteristics​
Nurse sharks grow up to nine feet long. Their body is brown to yellow-brown incolorand they have a light-colored belly. They have small eyes andtwo barbels that hang from their snout.​

Nurse sharks are a benthic species of shark, meaning they live on the oceanfloor.​

They feed primarily on fishes and animals that live on the sea floor, such aslobsters and crabs.

Nurse sharks are calmer than most sharks and will often save as much energyas possible.

​Fishy Feature
These sharks often form social groups with other nurse sharks while they rest.

Porkfish (Anisotremus virginicus)

Defining Characteristics​
They have two black bars on their head: one that runs through their eye andanother by their gills.​

Porkfishcan be found in the western Atlantic Ocean and prefer tropical andsubtropical waters.​

Youngporkfishfeed on parasites that they pick off the skin of other fishspecies. Adults feed on a variety of bottom-dwelling crustaceans, such as crabsand shrimp.​

AdultPorkfishare nocturnal because of their choice of prey, but juveniles will eatparasites from the skin of larger fish.

​Fishy Feature
This fish gets its name from the grunting noise it makes when it grinds itsteethtogether, like the noise of a pig!

Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus)

Defining Characteristics​
Sheepshead have human-like teeth, including molars, incisors and roundedgrinders. Adult sheepshead have vertical black bars on their sides.​

Sheepshead are found in warm waters in the western Atlantic Ocean. They canbe found near structures such as seawalls and oyster bars.​

Sheepshead feed primarily on small fish and crustaceans, such as crabs andshrimp.​

These fish commonly form aggregations for spawning or for a food source,including feeding on barnacles from the backs of manatees.

​Fishy Feature
Sheepshead use their square teeth to clip barnacles andshellfish fromdifferent surfaces.

Gray Angelfish (Pomacanthus arcuatus)

Defining Characteristics​
The gray angelfish is the largest species of angelfish. Their flat disc-shapedbody can reach up to two feet in diameter.

The gray angelfish can be found among coral reefs all over the westernAtlantic Ocean. They are often seen in pairs.​​

Like other angelfish, the gray angelfish feeds primarily on sponges andalgae.

These fish, like many other species of angelfish, form strong materelationships and are defensive of their partners.

​Fishy Feature
The gray angelfish has comb-like teeth that help them feed onsmallorganisms.

Bermuda chub (Kyphosus sectatrix)

Defining Characteristics​
Bermuda chub are blue-gray in color with yellow stripes along their body. Asadults, they can be one to two feet in length.

Bermuda chub are a shallow water species that typically prefer to be aroundcoral reefs or seagrass beds. They can be found throughout Florida and theCaribbean.​

The Bermuda chub feeds on algae on the sea floor, as well as crabs andmollusks.​

These fish are mostly solitary until it comes time to spawn in late fall. They willform schools that contain thousands of members.

​Fishy Feature
These fish can change color or produce loud “booming” noises as defensemechanisms to ward offlarger predators.

French Grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)

Defining Characteristics​
French grunts can grow up to 12 inches long and they have bright yellow andblue stripes along their bodies.​​

The French grunt is found in the western Atlantic Ocean. Young French gruntsare found in large numbers in shallow, protected areas such as seagrass bedsand mangroves.​

This grunt is a carnivore, meaning it feeds on other animals for nutrients.​

Schools of juvenile French Grunts will actively attack or annoy predators todefend themselves, which is a form of mobbing behavior.

​Fishy Feature
Grunts get their name from the grunting noise they make as they rub theirteeth together.

Atlantic Spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber)

Defining Characteristics​
Young Atlantic spadefish are dark brown or black in color. When they matureinto adults, they develop four to six black, vertical bars along their silverbody.​

Atlantic spadefish live in shallow waters and tend to school around coral reefsor structures such as sunken ships.​

Atlantic spadefish feed on algae and animals that live on the sea floor, such as crabs and shrimp.​

Spadefish can be solitary but are most often seen in large schools of up to 500individuals.

​Fishy Feature
Dark-coloredjuveniles will often camouflage themselves as leaves and otherplant matter by swimming at an angle in the water.

Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

Defining Characteristics​
The green sea turtle gets its name not from the color of its shell, which is usuallyolive to black, but from its fat that is greenish due to its diet. These turtles havevery short snout and a beak that is unhooked.​​

Green sea turtles are found throughout tropical and subtropical seas around theworld.​

As juveniles, they eat mollusks, worms, sponges, and crustaceans. As adults, they mostly eat seagrasses and algae.​

These sea turtles are solitary but will migrate in large groups over hundreds of milesto nest and lay eggs on coastal beaches.​

Turtle Tidbit
The incubation temperature of sea turtle nests determines the sex of hatchlings – hot chicks and cool dudes.

Spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari)

Defining Characteristics​
They get their name from the distinct spots on the body, wings (or fins) that flap like aneagle, a long tail and a snout that resembles a duck’s beak. They can have awingspan up to 10 feet wide!

Spotted eagle rays can be found worldwide in temperate and tropical waters.​

Spotted eagle rays feed primarily on bivalves, such as clams, oysters and mussels,as well as shrimps, crabs and small fishes.​​

Eagle rays find their food at the bottom of bodies of water but will often swimthroughout the water column. They are known to form groups, called shoals, whilethey migrate from place to place.

​Fishy Feature
Though it is not clear why, these rayswillaccelerate out of the water andleap into the air. It is possible this could be a way to clean parasites from their skin.

Mangrove Snapper (Lutjanus griseus)

Defining Characteristics​
Mangrove snapper, also known as gray snapper, areusually gray in color. Theyhave red and orange spotsalong their sides.​​​

They are native to the western AtlanticOcean.​​

Mangrove snapper feed on small fishes and crustaceans,such as crabs and shrimps.​​

Mangrove snapper are found in shallow waters,generally around structures such as mangroves, docksand reefs.​

​Fishy Feature
These fish tend to breed during a full moon.

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Manatee Cam - Manatee Lagoon (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.