Does Kombucha Give Me An Energy Boost?: The Kombucha Buzz (2024)

Does Kombucha Give Me An Energy Boost?: The Kombucha Buzz (1)

If you’ve ever consumed kombucha, you’ve most likely felt a short buzz of energy. I for one, definitely have. Unfortunately, it lasts for a really short time. I get a mini rush/buzz or call it whatever you like, but drinking kombucha makes me feel good!

There are a lot of questions up in the air about the reason behind this buzz or rush of energy. I too wasn’t sure. Some people believe it’s the minuscule amounts of alcohol but it isn’t that. I’ll tell you where it comes from!

Yes, it is common to feel a small boost of energy from drinking kombucha. This small rush of energy comes from the unique combination of Probiotics and B- Vitamins, along with caffeine and L-Theanine abundantly present in kombucha. This combination of nutrients is likely to provide your body with a rush endorphins that make you feel good and give you an energy boost.

While drinking kombucha might make us feel happy and energetic, let’s understand the real cause behind it!

What Is This Kombucha Buzz? I haven’t felt it before!

Well if you haven’t felt it, it’s no biggie! But I do wish you did!

I’ve coined the term Kombucha Buzz myself so bear with me. It’s just the perfect mix of

a short-lived high and a buzz of energy that makes you feel good! And fortunately, it isn’t like caffeine or alcohol that ends with a bad crash

It’s Not The Alcohol!

Most people tend to automatically assume the buzz they feel is from the trace alcohol in kombucha. But in reality, Kombucha contains less than 0.5% alcohol and is considered as a nonalcoholic beverage.

If you’re wondering, where Kombucha gets its trace alcohol content from, you first need to understand the basic process of kombucha fermentation. Kombucha, essentially being a fermented tea, requires some sugar to kickstart this fermentation.

In the first few days, the bacteria get active and break down the sugar into alcohol.

This alcohol is then used by the yeast to produce the organic acids, like lactic acid, acetic acid & gluconic acid, that make kombucha so healthy. During this process of conversion, trace amounts of ethanol are left behind which gives kombucha its sub 0.5% alcohol content.

So, if you’re someone who gets a buzz from drinking kombucha, don’t think it’s the alcohol!

Then, Where Does The Kombucha Energy Boost Come From?

Energy Boost vs Sustained Increased Energy Levels

First let’s clear out the difference in the types of energy boosts we feel. When I say ‘Kombucha Buzz’, I am referring to the immediate increase in energy we get from consuming kombucha (something like people experience by drinking coffee but without the caffeine crash). The reason behind this immediate boost of energy is mainly to do with B-Vitamins and the unique pairing of caffeine and L-theanine present in kombucha.

But kombucha does also increase our general daily energy levels and reduce fatigue. This is due to the abundance of probiotics aka good bacteria for our gut that plays an all important role in managing a multitude of our bodily functions. More on that below!

1. B-Vitamins In Kombucha

If you’re vegan/vegetarian, as a large part of India is; you’re likely to be deficient in B-Vitamins. So you need to get on the kombucha train asap! But coming to the ‘Kombucha Buzz’ and how B-Vitamins play a role in supplying your body with energy? It’s all in the science!

Like every other Vitamin, the B-Vitamins also carries out a bunch of essential functions for our bodies. One of them being, B-Vitamins’ role in using glucose we get from foods and generating ATP (Adreno triphosphate) in the mitochondria of our cells. I know this just got a bit into 8th-grade science, but I am sure we all remember studying ‘The Mitochondria is the energy house of the cell’!! And ATP in the mitochondria is what provides us with energy.

So there you, the science behind what gives you an energy boost by drinking Kombucha! But wait, there are other constituents too that play an important role in giving you the kombucha buzz.

2. Probiotics In Kombucha

Our gut is lined with trillions of microbiomes. In fact, we have more bacterial cells than human cells in our bodies! (Wait, does that make us bacteria and not human🧐)

If you are into health and nutrition, you have likely come across the term ‘probiotics’ recently. But let’s understand what probiotics are and what do they do for our health?

So the trillions of bacteria in our gut; these bacteria in our gut can be either good bacteria or bad bacteria.

Probiotics are the good bacteria that simply repopulate our gut with themselves by multiplying and keeping the bad bacteria in check! This has benefits beyond measure. From immunity to mental health, our gut bacteria is accredited with having an indispensable effect on every part of our being.

Does Kombucha Give Me An Energy Boost?: The Kombucha Buzz (2)
  • Probiotics x Energy

Our gut bacteria play an essential role in managing a multitude of bodily functions from nutrient absorption to maintaining our immune system, and unsurprisingly enough, even has a major effect on our nervous system that maintains our mood and energy levels!

  • Probiotics Improve Nutrient Absorption

Picture this: You’re eating healthy every day, you’re exercising regularly, your training & nutrition is at the best it can be. But, (there’s always a but) you’re still not feeling energetic and healthy!

Basis of our lifestyle and habits, studies show that our body can absorb only 10% to 90% of all nutrients that we consume!

But the good news is, our food is broken down and absorbed in our gut by our gut bacteria. The gut is extremely important for our health because it is that part of our body that breaks down all the foods we eat and is solely responsible for the absorption of all the nutrients from it.

And as the saying goes, you are not what you eat, you are what your body absorbs! So if we don’t get the basic nutrients that our bodies require, we can be sure to face a multitude of health issues, including low energy levels.

That means consuming probiotics is going to help nutrient absorption and in turn, improve our energy levels!

  • Probiotics Can Improve Our Sleeping Patterns

A good night’s sleep has become one of the most important health markers. A study done by Nova Southeastern University has shown an indication that there is a direct correlation between gut microbiota diversity and sleeping patterns.

Poor gut health leads to poor sleep and poor sleep leads to poor gut health. And I’m sure we can all agree that waking up in the morning after a poor night’s sleep is sure to keep your energy levels low throughout the day.

  • Probiotic Alleviate Stress & Reduce Cortisol Levels

Cortisol, our stress hormone, is a real buzzkill (literally). I can personally vouch, too much stress affects both my mood and energy levels. Fortunately, science agrees with me. Several studies have shown higher cortisol levels result in decreased energy for our body.

Probiotics, the good bacteria in our gut, have shown in studies like this one to reduce our cortisol levels and alleviate stress, which would result in higher energy levels for us to get through the day!

But while I learned from the above that consuming probiotics over time will improve our mood and energy by optimizing our brain health, nervous system, and nutrient absorption; I was left wondering why do I feel an immediate buzz of energy when I drink kombucha and could probiotics be the reason.

Turns out, there was!

  • Probiotics release neurotransmitters

Did you know? 90% of our happy-making neurotransmitter, serotonin, is produced in the gut! When I read this for the first time, I was quite appalled. But it doesn’t stop at that. Other neurotransmitters responsible for our moods like Dopamine and GABA are also produced in the gut. So when we consume probiotics like kombucha, our bodies face a rush of these feel-good endorphins that give us a mini buzz of energy!

3. Caffeine + Theanine In Kombucha

A very common question I get asked is how much caffeine is there in kombucha? Many people assume kombucha is high in caffeine, considering the fact that it’s made from tea. The reality is that kombucha only has around 1/3rd the caffeine as compared to the tea that it’s made from.

During the fermentation process, the bacteria and yeast consume some amounts of the caffeine therefore, leaving a residual amount. A general standard, if the tea you used in brewing your Kombucha has 30mg of caffeine, the final ready Kombucha will most likely have around 10mg of caffeine. So, if you’re someone who’s caffeine sensitive or trying to cut down on caffeine consumption in the evenings (Yes, you should), your fizzy friend kombucha is always there for you!

This kombucha buzz we’ve been ranting about is a culmination of the pairing of L-Theanine with caffeine. L-Theanine, an amino acid found in copious amounts in tea, is known for its calming and relaxing properties and also stimulating the brain’s alpha waves, which heightens creativity and alertness.

This combination of caffeine and theanine is widely used in the west as an alternative to caffeine. The main reason being, when caffeine is paired with L-Theanine, you get the calm focus and energy without the crash! Theanine is used to reduce anxiety, while caffeine is known to increase anxiety.

This contrasting combination of caffeine and theanine is the true energy boost you need every Monday morning!

Bonus Content: Energy From Coffee vs Energy From Kombucha

While both coffee and kombucha give us increased energy & focus, the means and results of providing said energy our starkly different.

Does Kombucha Give Me An Energy Boost?: The Kombucha Buzz (3)
  • Coffee provides us with only instant energy, solely from caffeine. A lot of it! This means we are likely to get addicted to coffee (caffeine is an addictive substance). Drinking coffee excessively or consuming energy drinks like redbull and monster which are extremely high in caffeine can lead to health complications too. And not too forget the lack of sleep people face due to consuming too much caffeine throughout the day! And the worst of all is the crash that comes after a caffeine high. As the caffeine levels in our bodies wear off, we get even more lethargic than we initially were! Like, what’s even the point of caffeine?

  • On the other hand, kombucha provides both instant energy and also improves our general daily energy levels. B-Vitamins generate ATP in our cells from the glucose we consume and the combination of limited caffeine & L-Theanine provide the perfect energy boost, without the crash! Infact, the combination of caffeine and theanine is sold as a nootropic (brain supplement) to enhance mental performance and focus and counteract the crash of caffeine!

Ditch the coffee, Grab a kombucha!

Summing It Up

Consuming kombucha and other probiotics like kombucha have a wide variety of health benefits including boosting our energy. Whether it be increasing our general energy levels by getting sustained energy from consuming kombucha regularly or getting short spurts of quick energy (without that awful caffeine crash, of course) from the B-Vitamins, Caffeine & Theanine, kombucha definitely going to boost your mood as well as your energy!


Does Kombucha Give Me An Energy Boost?: The Kombucha Buzz (2024)


Does Kombucha Give Me An Energy Boost?: The Kombucha Buzz? ›

Does kombucha give you energy? Yes, Kombucha is known to give you an energy boost. This is mainly due to the small amounts of naturally occurring caffeine and B-Vitamins produced in the fermentation process when Kombucha is brewed using the traditional methods.

Does kombucha give you a buzz? ›

It is unlikely that you will get drunk from drinking a lot of kombucha. Even at the legally non-alcoholic maximum of 0.5% AVB, it would be very difficult. In fact, an increasing number of people are switching the bubbly, beer, or co*cktails for kombucha lately, for a tasty treat without an alcohol buzz.

Why do I feel buzzed after kombucha? ›

Fermentation experts say individuals who report feeling drunk after a serving of kombucha are probably suffering from a histamine intolerance. These people often react this way to fermented foods and beverages because they lack an enzyme called DAO, which helps the body process histamine.

How much kombucha does it take to feel a buzz? ›

You'd have to drink about eight bottles of commercial kombucha, though, to get effects similar to one beer. And while drinking too much kombucha likely wouldn't seriously harm your body, you'd almost definitely experience some rather uncomfortable digestive side effects like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Why does kombucha make me feel euphoric? ›

One part of the tea in kombucha that may be causing you to feel good is an amino acid called theanine. Many studies have found that theanine, which can only be found in tea and a rare species of mushrooms, reduces anxiety and stress.

Are there any negative effects of drinking kombucha? ›

For example, some research suggests kombucha tea may support a healthy immune system and prevent constipation. But there are few valid medical studies of kombucha tea's role in human health. And there are risks to think about. Kombucha tea has caused stomach upset, infections and allergic reactions in some people.

What happens to your body when you start drinking kombucha? ›

Kombucha is an ancient fermented tea that may have many health benefits, such as improving digestion, boosting the immune system, lowering cholesterol levels, and supporting cardiovascular health. Today kombucha is widely available in stores, and kombucha starter kits can be purchased to make at home.

Is it okay to drink kombucha every day? ›

The Centers for Disease Control recommends that four ounces of kombucha can be safely consumed one to three times a day. Overconsumption can lead to headache, nausea, gastrointestinal distress, or ketoacidosis.

Are 2 bottles of kombucha a day too much? ›

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that drinking approximately 4 ounces (oz) of kombucha per day “may not cause adverse effects in healthy persons.” Note that most kombucha bottles sold at the store are more than 4 oz. Check recommended serving sizes before chugging down a whole container.

Does kombucha help with anxiety? ›

Looking to test the connection between social anxiety and fermented foods, researchers conducted a survey that provided tremendous insight into the connection. The result: yes, fermented foods like kombucha can actually lower social anxiety levels.

How many kombuchas equal one beer? ›

According to the Alcohol Tax and Trade Bureau, most store-bought kombucha will have around 0.5% alcohol by volume. By comparison, a typical beer will have about 5% ABV. This means you would have to drink at least 10 servings of kombucha to equal the alcohol content of a single beer.

Why does kombucha give me so much energy? ›

Does kombucha give you energy? Yes, Kombucha is known to give you an energy boost. This is mainly due to the small amounts of naturally occurring caffeine and B-Vitamins produced in the fermentation process when Kombucha is brewed using the traditional methods.

Can kombucha make you test positive for alcohol? ›

Fermented products/fermented beverages (such as Kombucha) can have alcohol content percentages often above 0.5% and at higher unregulated levels which could result in a positive screen for alcohol.

Why do I feel weird after drinking kombucha? ›

People sensitive to the effects of caffeine may feel anxious or jittery if consuming too much kombucha ( 25 ). Plus, drinking kombucha close to bedtime may cause sleep disruptions. contains caffeine, which may cause unwanted side effects in certain people.

Does kombucha help weight loss? ›

"There's some anecdotal evidence that kombucha can help with weight loss, but there isn't any scientific evidence to back this up," says Lubeck. "Kombucha may or may not aid in weight loss, but it can certainly be a part of a healthy diet. Remember that no single food or drink can cause weight loss.

Can you drive after kombucha? ›

Because kombucha's alcohol by volume is so low, it is highly unlikely that it would cause a driver to become intoxicated.

Why do I feel dizzy after drinking kombucha? ›

Excessive amounts of kombucha may lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and low blood sugar, which can cause you to feel weak, lightheaded, or dizzy. See a doctor right away if you faint or experience cardiac symptoms like a rapid heartbeat.

Does kombucha mellow you out? ›

The research even showed a potential connection between fermented foods and lower chronic stress. Fermented foods like kombucha seem to be a helpful dietary addition for anyone looking to improve immune response and lower stress levels.

Is kombucha a good alternative to alcohol? ›

Overall, kombucha is a great non-alcoholic option for celebrations when drank in moderate amounts. Whether you are looking to reduce your alcohol consumption, or simply want to offer a non-alcoholic option to your guests, kombucha is a delicious choice that everyone can enjoy.

Do you have to be 21 to buy kombucha? ›

Some brands of kombucha are classified as alcohol, when they contain 0.5% or more alcohol by volume. You must be 21 or older to legally purchase or consume beverages with that alcohol content level. The majority of kombucha on the market are under 0.5% ABV and are non-alcoholic.

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.