80 Things I Love About Myself: A Self-Love List For Women Over 50 (2024)

I’m gonna say it right out – as a woman over 50 I feel less and less desirable, worthy, needed, wanted, loved among many other things. So the other day I wrote out a self-love list of all the things I love about myself and I’m not kidding when I say it made me feel a million times better.

I think many women over 50, or even midlife women:

  • battle low self-esteem, low self-confidence, low self-worth, etc
  • we have negative self-talk,
  • we have more negative thoughts than positive thoughts
  • we tend to withdraw

We have an awful lot of negative emotions (def more negative than positive emotions) and have a hard time being happy or even loving the skin we’re in. Aging is hard and confusing.

I decided to rewrite it and add a few more things that I love about myself in hopes that it inspires you to sit down and make your own list so you can feel worthy and whole again.

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When You Write Out Things You Love About Yourself…

So this is what happens. It’s a strange and wonderful phenomenon. As you start writing out things you love about yourself your self esteem and self confidence get a major boost not to mention you may even fall in love with yourself again.

Your heart lights up and there’s a little fire in your soul again. You start smiling and suddenly you feel amazing, whole and beautiful.

And let’s face it, that’s exactly what you are anyway and then some!

I think it’s a good idea for you to sit down with a journal and your favourite pen and make your own list of things you love about yourself. Do it as often as you have to.

Read it often.

Anyway this is my list and I’m sharing it with you to give you some ideas of things about yourself that are amazing that you simply might have forgotten about or overlooked!

Now I’m not saying you need to write out 80 things but then again, why not? But seriously, you can start with 5 things or 10 things, just start!

80 Amazing Things I Love About Myself

1 My hair is my crown of glory and I love it. Always have and always will.

2 I’m almost 2 years smoke free. I was a smoker for 46 years and I finally quit that stinking habit on Christmas Day 2020!

3 I love how nice my smile is. My teeth are really nice and white despite me smoking for so long!

4 How I make people feel. I have a neat way of making people feel really good about themselves!

5 My tattoos. They are so unique and so uplifting.

6 How I light up a room when I walk in. I pride myself on being that bright light all the time. I have been known to be the life of the party sometimes.

7 I don’t judge people. We are all the same and we all deserve respect.

8 That I’m very generous and helpful. I will give you the shirt off my back if you need it.

9 My writing skills. I think I’m a good story teller.

10 I’m doing my best to take care of my physical health. I try to eat healthy, I do intermittent fasting and full day fasts, I go to the gym 5 days a week, I try to drink plenty of water, etc.

11 My body is strong. I push her a lot and don’t want my body to get weak.

12 I’m open to trying new things for my skin, health, body, hair, etc. I’ve been opting for more natural things lately and I love the results.

13 I am a good friend. I’m a loyal friend and trustworthy and will do anything for you.

14 I have a really great sense of humor. I love to make people laugh.

15 I’m a good listener. If you need an ear, I’m here.

16 Being a bit of a social butterfly. I love mingling with the locals and learning their language. It’s important to me to learn Spanish so I can communicate with them.

17 I can be somewhat fearless. Flying alone to Guatemala was a huge adventure and I’m proud of myself for that.

18 I’ve survived a lot of really bad things. And I still have a really positive outlook on life. I’ve move on past my past.

19 I’m a healer. I help people learn how to forgive and let go so they can move on too.

20 I have warm energy. I really do. People tend to gravitate to me because of that.

21 I am a creator and a good one. I create a lot of content for social media on my Facebook pages, IG account, YouTube and my blogs.

22 I am grateful for all the little things in my life. First thing in the morning, I start my day with gratitude (and good coffee!)

23 I was brave enough to leave my last relationship. It was toxic and abusive and I still can’t believe I found the courage to leave.

24 I’m very trusting of the Universe. I have a lot of faith and I believe things happen the way they should and you shouldn’t try to control it.

25 My collection of healing crystals. I have hundreds and I love my gemstones so much.

80 Things I Love About Myself: A Self-Love List For Women Over 50 (1)Pin

26 I’m open minded. I will try almost anything once. I listen to different view points and ideas with an open mind

27 I can be chatty Cathy. Sometimes I love a good fun random conversation about anything!

28 I know I’m a good person. I do good things and have good morals and integrity.

29 There’s a special place in my heart for street dogs. I’m on a mission now to build a dog sanctuary here in Guatemala for the street dogs.

30 I can think for myself. I listen to my own voice of reason and make my own decisions.

31 I take care of my mental health. Healing is very important to me.

32 I don’t let bad days turn into bad weeks or months. I honor my feelings and let it go.

33 I think I’m a good singer. Though I could be wrong here…haha!

34 I like to cook. I’m not a great cook but I like trying new things.

35 I have a fairly healthy positive body image. I’m not perfect but for 60 I’m doing ok and like the way I look.

36 I’m an honest person. Almost to a fault but that’s ok.

37 I let people be themselves. I actually encourage it!! Be yourself!

38 I’m accepting of other races. I don’t care what your skin colour is, as long as you are a good person that’s all that matters to me.

39 I spread optimism and joy. As much as I can, wherever and whenever I can.

40 I have a pleasing personality. I’m generally very friendly and cheery.

41 I work on self love daily. I think it’s important to love and honor yourself as much as you can.

42 I love writing. Being creative also means writing. Each and every blog post is written from experience and my heart.

43 I’m very authentic. I love showing my true self and not afraid to do so.

44 I’m a good mom. We didn’t always have it easy but I did my best.

45 I’m super naive. Which can be frustrating but also a blessing.

46 I love meeting new people. And listening to their life stories and their dreams.

47 I’m very spiritual. Kindness is my religion.

48 I love everyone. I just spread love and tell all my friends I love them all the time. The world needs more love.

49 I always push out of my comfort zone. I tackle scary things head on.

50 I listen to my inner voice or my intuition. If something feels off, it’s off.

80 Things I Love About Myself: A Self-Love List For Women Over 50 (2)Pin

51 I say a prayer at the end of the day. I always close out my day in prayer and gratitude

52 I don’t mind asking for help. I’m the first with my hand up for help!

53 I’m not intimidated by more successful people. I am proud of them and cheer them on.

54 I am a hard worker. I work 7 days a week sometimes up to 10 hours a day creating content and inspiring people.

55 I love helping people. I want everyone to succeed and have a happy life.

56 I’m a good Angel Card reader. And I love love love doing readings.

57 I’m very intuitive. It’s almost scary to be honest.

58 I love my eyes. I think they are warm and loving. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul

59 I create awesome products, courses and eBooks. There is great value in all the things I create for people.

60 I’m getting more tech savvy. I’ve come a long way and had to learn a lot of things about blogging but I did it!

61 I try to live in the present moment and not worry about tomorrow. Worry is a waste of time anyway

62 If a family member needs help I do my best to be there for them. Though that’s sometimes hard as I live in Guatemala and my family is in Canada.

63 I look for positive things in each day. Not every day is a good day but I try to find the good no matter what

64 I love traveling to new places. I love new experiences, new food, new environment, all of it!!

65 I’m really good at making inspirational quotes. My Facebook pages and IG account is all quotes and I love sharing them with others.

66 I like the way I dress. I love my fashion sense and I think it’s says ‘authentic and real!’

67 Music makes my heart sing. Hahaha. I listen to music on my earbuds while I’m driving my scooter around town and I usually sing too!

68 I learned how to drive a scooter. This was a scary thing for me to do but I did it and now I own one!

69 I’m more patient now than ever. Though some days it may not feel like it, I def have more patience now.

70 I’m passionate about saving and helping dogs. It’s my #1 passion right now and I won’t stop until we have a sanctuary here.

71 I believe in my dreams. And I do what I have to do to realize them even if it takes a long time, I don’t care.

72 I use positive affirmations daily. Every day I still do this. Whether I read them off my white board or just whisper them to myself.

73 I love hugging. I think I’m the best hugger in the land.

74 I can be goofy. Life doesn’t have to be serious all the time so I love being silly and goofy.

75 I use faith to help me get through tough times. I don’t let them get me down.

80 Things I Love About Myself: A Self-Love List For Women Over 50 (3)Pin

76 My gratitude list is super important to me. If I forget to write out my list in the morning, I feel off the rest of the day. I know, weird but true.

77 I have healthy relationships with my family, my friends. It’s important to me to have only loving people around me

78 I really like me. Like. I think I’m a good person and a great friend and an overall wonderful human being.

79 I know my weaknesses. And I work on them to understand them and make myself stronger.

80 I am worthy of love and good things. I know I deserve all the good the Universe wants to give me.

What’s On Your List?

Get out a pen and paper and start writing your list! And after you’re done with your list, go back and read it when you’re feeling sad or worthless.

I have always said that writing anything is very therapeutic and can help with letting go of toxic thoughts and feelings that we tend to hold up inside. Write it out and let them go!!

xo iva xo

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80 Things I Love About Myself: A Self-Love List For Women Over 50 (2024)


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Loving yourself means having a good understanding of both your strengths and weaknesses. Narcissism is generally associated with poor mental health. But high self-love has a positive effect on your well-being, mental fitness, and your relationships.

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We may rely on other people to give us compliments and make us feel good. However, there is more power in the words we say to ourselves. Give yourself a compliment every day, especially when you're feeling bad about yourself. Indulge from time to time, within moderation of course.

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They could be as simple as speaking kindly to yourself, taking breaks when needed, or engaging in activities that make you happy. Other self-love habits include practicing gratitude, spending time in nature, eating nourishing food, and exercising in a way that feels good to your body.

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100+ things to love about yourself today and into the future
  • I can embrace change.
  • I'm resilient.
  • I have an appreciation for nature.
  • I have a great sense of humor.
  • I am honest.
  • I'm a supportive best friend.
  • I'm a great listener.
  • I'm independent.

What are 5 ways to love yourself? ›

5 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself
  • Change your self talk. ...
  • Take care of your physical state. ...
  • Adopt an attitude of gratitude. ...
  • Reconnect with yourself. ...
  • Be the energy you want to attract.

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How Do You Love Yourself In a Relationship?
  1. Practice self-acceptance. Accept yourself for who you are, including your strengths and weaknesses. ...
  2. Set healthy boundaries. Setting healthy boundaries is an essential aspect of self-love. ...
  3. Practice self-care. ...
  4. Start a gratitude practice. ...
  5. Related Articles.
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How to fall in love with yourself
  1. Be kind to yourself. It seems simple, but it can be one of the hardest acts of self-love to master. ...
  2. Change your self-talk. ...
  3. Adjust your physical state. ...
  4. Meditate. ...
  5. Surround yourself with supportive people. ...
  6. Don't lose yourself in relationships. ...
  7. Adopt an abundance mindset. ...
  8. Go off the grid.

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The secret to self-love is to love yourself unconditionally. You need to form a loving relationship with yourself. The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have in your life.

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10 Ways to Love Your Body
  1. Listen to your body. ...
  2. Change the messages you are giving yourself. ...
  3. Throw out the bathroom scale. ...
  4. Think of your body as an instrument instead of as an ornament. ...
  5. Exercise to feel good and be healthy, not to lose weight or punish your body. ...
  6. Move with your head held high.

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How to be happy alone: 16 ways to become your own best friend
  1. Stop comparing yourself to others.
  2. Develop a workout routine.
  3. Curate hobbies.
  4. Volunteer in your community.
  5. Practice self-reflection.
  6. Be bold and try new things.
  7. Lean on animals for emotional support.
  8. Get out in nature.
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Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.

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Self-love can be defined as an appreciation of one's own worth or virtue. That includes accepting yourself as you are, prioritizing your needs, setting healthy boundaries and forgiving yourself when needed. Treating yourself with kindness and respect means taking time to take care of your overall well-being.

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Discipline is the highest form of self-love.

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Self-love is a way to appreciate yourself, stemming from actions that support our psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth. Loving yourself means holding yourself in high regard, taking care of yourself, and being happy with where you are in life.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.