10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (2024)

Let’s call a spade a spade - sometimes life hurts and there’s no sugar coating it. Whether it’s grief, illness or just a bit of a spiraling sh*tstorm, life can be tough.

There's nothing you want more in these moments than to wrap up your loved one in a big warm hug and say "This sucks, I'm sorry, I'm here for you." And when a visit isn't possible right away, show them you care and brighten up their space with some beautiful blooms from our new sympathy flower range.

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences in life. When someone you care about is grieving, it's important to reach out and offer your support. A thoughtful sympathy message can let them know that you're thinking of them and that you care.

But sometimes, you put the pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and you don’t even know where to begin. Writer’s block usually happens when we have so much to say and then we just feel overwhelmed with where to start!

Simple is best if you’re really struggling - saying something is better than saying nothing at all.10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (1)
Here are 10 sympathy messages to help you show your support. Wherever we say ‘loved one’ it usually feels a lot more personal if you insert their name.

  1. "I am so sorry for your loss." This is a simple but sincere message that expresses your condolences. Or you could say “I’m so sorry for your loss, thinking of you during this time and sending you a big hug. Here for you, always”.
  2. "I'm thinking of you during this difficult time." Or "I'm thinking of you during this difficult time, please know I’m here for you. Would love to go for a walk or just come over and be with you.” This message lets them know that you're aware of their loss and that you're there for them.
  3. "I know how much your loved one meant to you. I'm here for you if you need anything." This message shows that you understand the depth of their loss and that you're willing to help in any way you can. This even goes for pets! When someone is hurting, it’s important to acknowledge how they’re feeling.
  4. "I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. They will be deeply missed." This can obviously be extended to something that is meaningful to them. For example,“Remember that time when we went fishing and he told us that nature has its way of making us feel so loved”. This message acknowledges the importance of the person who passed away and the impact they had on the lives of others.
  5. "I'm sending you my love and prayers during this difficult time." This message offers spiritual support and comfort.
  6. "I'm here for you if you need to talk." This message lets the person know that you're available to listen and offer support. This is so important because without those nights around the couch, those long phone calls and those regular check-ins via text message, someone who has just lost someone can be left feeling very alone. Equally, respect them if they just don’t feel like talking, they can always reach out knowing that you’re there when they’re ready.
  7. "I'm thinking of you and your family."This message shows that you're aware of the impact of the loss on the entire family. It’s everyone else around that is also affected by loss too.
  8. "Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help." This message offers practical help and support. It’s just your way of saying, I can bring over a meal, I can be there to walk your dogs or I can take your kids to the park. Usually people will just say “I’m fine” so perhaps detailing what you can do for them would help.
  9. "I'm sending you strength and peace during this difficult time." This message offers hope and comfort. This message isn’t for everyone and very much depends on the person. For example, someone who believes in healing energies may need to hear this.
  10. "I'll never forget your loved one. They were a special person." This message honors the memory of the person who passed away.

When writing a sympathy message, it's important to be sincere and heartfelt. Avoid clichés and platitudes, and focus on expressing your genuine condolences. You can also personalise your message by sharing a memory of the person who passed away or by mentioning something that you know the person grieving will appreciate.

No matter what you say, the most important thing is to let the person know that you're thinking of them and that you care. Your sympathy message can offer comfort and support during a difficult time.

Here are some additional tips for writing a sympathy message:

  • Keep it short and to the point.
  • Use simple, clear language.
  • Proofread your message carefully before sending it

If you're not sure what to say, you can always find inspiration online or in a sympathy card. The most important thing is to reach out and offer your support in whatever way you can.

This also goes for businesses who want to be more thoughtful in how they approach their marketing.

Making people happy is why LVLY exists so it stands to reason that we’re driven by empathy and compassion in the ways we talk to our customers. In 2021, we launched the Thoughtful Marketing Movement - an initiative designed to put customers first by allowing them to opt-out from potentially sensitive marketing messages around big calendar events like Mothers Day.

We reached out to brands around Australia to also consider the potentially damaging effects of sending out “Don’t forget mum/dad” style messages to people who may have lost a mother or child.

Pro-actively reaching out to our customers asking them if they’d like to opt-out of marketing breaks all the usual marketing rules, but it feels like the right thing to do – the human thing to do. It’s what our values of ‘being a goodie’ and ‘making someone’s day’ are all about.

Mother’s Day is the time of year where we see the impact of this the most.In the flower and gifting industry, Mother’s Day is the biggest event on the calendar - it’s like the ‘grand finale’. Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate mums, but for those who are grieving their mum, it can be incredibly distressing and isolating. We want to recognise that it’s not a happy time for all and that for many, it is a time of renewed grief and sadness. During this time, we use our forum to be available for those who may not be celebrating this day.

We reached out to the legends at Motherless Daughters for some useful tips on how to support someone who is grieving their mum. *The following is supplied by Motherless Daughters.

How to support someone who has lost their mum

  • Limit social media usage if you find the content to be too triggering. And remember, not everyone’s family is as perfect as they may appear on socials.
  • Do what feels right for you and avoid doing things just to keep others happy.
  • Accept whatever feelings you are experiencing whether it be sadness, jealousy of others, envy, or even guilt for feeling happy, without self judgement or self-criticism.
  • Honour your mum by loving and nurturing yourself and do the things that bring you comfort and joy on the day.
  • Spend time with people who are important to you and can hold the space you need.
  • Buy a Mother’s Day or birthday card and write to her – pop it away in a drawer or burn it. Buy her favourite flowers, eat her favourite food, or create a brand new tradition.
  • Ask family members to share a story or memory in honour of your mum.
  • Remember,difficult milestonedays (like Mother's Day and birthdays) will pass. It will be over just as quickly as it came. It can be hard to know what to say to support someone, and we can often fall into the trap of not saying anything which isn’t always helpful! The best thing you can do is acknowledge their mum’s absence and validate their feelings.Acknowledge their mum’s absence and let them know you’re thinking of them
  • Ask your grieving friend to share a story about their Mum, or share a memory you might have of their mum.
  • Send a text, or call them –this can feel like you're connecting with them during times of intense and renewed feelings of grief and isolation.
  • Let them know they’re not alone.
  • Accept and respect they may not want to socialise or attend in laws/other functions on the day.
  • Let them honour their mum in their own way, without judgment or criticism.
  • Let them be sad without insisting to be positive or to be strong.
  • Give them permission and acceptance to ‘feel’.

Just like our sympathy messages, sometimes sending a short text also goes a long way.

5 text messages you can send to friends who are grieving their mum

  • “Today must be a really difficult and sad for you, I’m here if you need to chat or escape the day for a while.”
  • “Thinking of you today. If you’d like to, I would love to hear about your mum – anything at all. Send me your favourite photo of her, too!”
  • “I am sending you lots of love. I am here to chat or lean on at any time throughout the day.”
  • “I’m free on Sunday at (insert time) if you’d like to go for a walk or grab a coffee?”
  • “Hey, just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you. I know today is a hard day for you and that you’re not alone.

5sympathy messages for the loss of a father

When your mate's lost their dad, it cuts deep. Best thing to do is just acknowledge how much it sucks. "Mate, I'm so gutted for you," goes a long way. If you knew their old man, share a good memory – even something silly. Let them know you're there for anything – a shoulder to cry on, a beer run, whatever they need. Just being present means the world when they're hurting this bad.

  • "I'm so sorry about your dad. He was a legend, and his stories always made me laugh. I'm here if you need anything at all."
  • "Your dad was such a kind soul. I'm thinking of you and sending you loads of strength in this tough time."
  • "I loved seeing you with your dad. It was always so obvious how much he loved you. Holding you in my heart right now."
  • "Your dad had such an incredible spirit. I'm remembering him with a smile today and sending you my deepest condolences."
  • "I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain. Just know that your dad's memory will live on through you, and I'm here for whatever you need."

10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (2)

Short condolence messages for someone you care about:

In times of grief, sometimes less is more. A short, honest message goes a long way. Say you're sorry for their loss, and that you get how rough it is. Let 'em know you're there for anything – a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, a takeaway run. It's your way of saying you care, and sometimes, that's all that matters.

  • “I'm so sorry for your loss. You're in my thoughts.”
  • “This sucks. I'm so sorry. I'm here for you.”
  • “Sending you so much love and strength right now.”
  • “I’m sorry. Your [loved one's name] was amazing. Thinking of you.”
  • “Holding you close in my heart during this hard time. Love you, always.”

10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (3)

Short texts for condolence messages:

Sometimes a quick text is all someone needs to know they're not alone. Don't be afraid to say it sucks, that you're sorry they're hurting. Offer something specific, like bringing over a meal, or just hanging out to watch crap TV. The point is to let them know you're there for them, whatever they need. A simple message can make a world of difference when someone's grieving.

  • “I can’t imagine how rough this must be for you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.”
  • “I wish there was something I could do to take this pain away. Please let me know how I can help.”
  • “No words can help, but know I’m thinking of you.”
  • “Thinking of you heaps. Can I drop off some food or just come hang out?”
  • “I’ve got so many good memories of them. Let’s share some stories when you’re up for it. Love you.”

10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (4)

Condolence messages in a professional setting:

When that tough news hits at work, keep it respectful and formal. Think "we're truly sorry for your loss" on behalf of the whole company, and a little offer to help out. Short and sweet is good, shows you get it's a rough time. A few sincere words go a long way when you're showing support for a colleague who's hurting.

  • “My deepest sympathies on your loss. Please know we're all thinking of you.”
  • “Your [loved one] was a valued member of our team. We will miss them.”
  • “I was so saddened to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you.”
  • “Please accept my condolences. May their memory bring you comfort in this difficult time.”
  • “Our team offers sincere condolences. Wishing you strength.”

10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (5)

Sympathy messages for a family member:

Helping out a family member who's lost someone is tricky. You gotta be ready to give loads of love, but also know when to shut up and just listen. Let 'em know you've got their back, no matter what – even if they need help screaming into a pillow or smashing plates (safely, of course!). The point is, they ain't facing this alone, and knowing that helps even when it feels like the whole world's gone dark.

  • "I know there are no words, just know I'm here for everything – a cry, a scream, a coffee run."
  • "We're a team, and we're going to get through this together. Love you so much."
  • "No rush to feel okay, cuz. I'm holding space for you until you do."
  • “Hey, they loved you fiercely, and I’ll always be here to help carry on that love.”
  • “Sending all my love, and strength, and a beer, just in case.”

10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (6)

Sending your deepest condolences through a message:

Sometimes there's nothing more important than letting someone know you see their pain. When someone you know is hurting, cut the fluff and say it like it is: "This is awful, I'm so sorry you're going through it." Let 'em know you're right there – willing to listen, drop off a casserole, whatever they need. A simple, but real, message can make all the difference when the world feels a bit dark.

  • “My heart aches for you and your family. Your loss is felt deeply.”
  • “They were a bright light that touched so many lives. I hope you find comfort knowing they will be missed, and always loved.”
  • “It hurts to think about what you’re going through. Sending so much love, warmth and hugs. Please call me when you’re ever up for it.”

10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (7)

Inspirational sympathy messages in Australia:

Grief's a heavy weight to carry. Sometimes a mate needs a bit of a reminder that there's a way out of the darkness. That's where your words come in. Send 'em a message with a bit of hope, a reminder of strength. Something to cling to when it all feels too much. It won't take away the pain, but it's a lifeline they might just need.

  • “May the love that surrounds you be a bit of a comfort, like a warm hug.”
  • “Thinking of you during this tough time. Let’s grab a coffee and take a walk along the beach if you’re ever up for it.”
  • “I’m sorry I don’t have the right words, but I’d love to just sit with you in silence.”
  • “Even though they’re gone, they’ll always be there with you in the sunsets and the gumtrees.”
  • "Even in the darkest night, there's always stars. Hold onto good memories, they'll help."
  • “No worries if you need to disappear for a bit. We’ll always be here.”
  • "Sending you strength, like a wave. May it roll over you and keep you going one moment at a time."
  • “I’m sure it feels like everything is going wrong. I’m sorry. Let’s sit on the porch and watch the world go by if that’s what you need.”
  • "There's a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in. Look for the light, it'll guide you."
  • "Even the darkest nights have sunrises. Hold on for that sunrise, it's coming."
  • "May the wildflowers bring you strength, and the ocean give you peace."
  • "Your love for them was mighty. Hold onto that love, let it give you courage."

10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (8)

In the flower and gifting business, sometimes it’s not all about birthdays, celebrations and milestones.

10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (9)

Our Nurture Box, in collaboration with Pink Elephants supports women affected by miscarriage and pregnancy loss.

By raising awareness we challenge the taboo and break the silence, which ensures women feel validated in seeking support when they need it most.

View our full range of sympathy flowers here. Our talented team of florists and packers take extra love and care to hand make all of our gorgeous arrangements, ready for you when you need it.

10 Sympathy Messages To Show You're Thinking Of Them in 2024 (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.