10 different types of yoga practices (and their benefits) — Calm Blog (2024)

Physical Wellbeing

Written By Calm Editorial Team

10 different types of yoga practices (and their benefits) — Calm Blog (2)

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

Learn the definition of yoga and 10 different types of yoga practices you can do. Plus, the benefits of the poses and breathing in each style of yoga.

Originating in ancient India, yoga is a holistic discipline that involves physical, mental, and spiritual health. Yoga combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation to help improve flexibility and strength and create a balance between body and mind.

Regular practice can offer many health and wellness benefits, including increased flexibility, stronger muscles, better stress management, and improved mental clarity.

What’s the definition of yoga?

Yoga is a series of movements and breathing exercises designed to strengthen the body and calm the mind. The word “yoga” comes from Sanskrit and means “to join,” or “to unite,” symbolizing the union of body and consciousness. Today, it's recognized not just as a form of exercise but also as a lifestyle that encompasses a philosophy of prioritizing balance.

Key characteristics of yoga

Physical postures (Asanas): Yoga uses physical poses designed to improve strength, flexibility, and balance. They’re thought to help open up the energy channels of the body to support physical health and mental relaxation.

Breathing techniques (Pranayama): Pranayama, or breath control, is used to regulate the flow of energy (prana) throughout the body. This practice is about learning to control the breath to influence the body's energy flow and mental state.

Meditation and mindfulness: Meditation, or dhyana, is a key part of yoga and encourages mindfulness and concentration. It helps to achieve a state of mental calm and clarity, leading to heightened awareness and inner peace.

Philosophy and ethics: Yoga is built on a foundation of ethical philosophies. These include principles like non-violence (ahimsa), truthfulness (satya), and self-discipline (tapas), which guide practitioners toward a lifestyle of harmony, respect, and compassion.

6 benefits of yoga: how they impact health and wellbeing

Yoga can improve your physical and mental health and overall sense of wellbeing. Whether through reducing stress, improving physical health, or enhancing emotional wellbeing, yoga can help improve your quality of life. The practice can also:

1. Reduce anxiety and enhance relaxation by lowering stress hormones like cortisol.

2. Promote emotional health and for some, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

3. Improve sleep quality by relaxing the mind and body.

4. Enhance physical health and fitness by improving flexibility, increasing muscle strength, boosting endurance, and enhancing respiratory and cardiovascular health. Yoga can also reduce symptoms of chronic conditions like arthritis, and certain yoga poses can even help with digestion.

5. Help lower your blood pressure and heart rate. It can also lower risk factors for heart diseases like high blood pressure and stress.

6. Contribute to improved cognitive functioning, with meditation helping to enhance concentration and memory.

10 styles of yoga

Yoga comes in many styles, each with a unique focus. The type you choose can depend on various factors like physical fitness, personal preferences, and your specific health goals. Whether you're seeking a physically challenging practice or a meditative and relaxing experience, there's a style of yoga that fits your needs.

1. Vinyasa yoga

Known for its fluid and dynamic movements, with each pose smoothly transitioning to the next, vinyasa yoga is like a dance. Synchronizing breath with movement, it can help enhance body awareness, reduce stress, and improve focus and concentration.

How to practice: Focus on the flow of movement and breath to find rhythm in the movements.

2. Iyengar yoga

Precision and alignment are the hallmarks of iyengar yoga, which often incorporates props like blocks, straps, and bolsters to help maintain proper alignment. It can help with developing patience and mindfulness, and enhance mental clarity.

How to practice: Pay close attention to the alignment in each pose. Use props to aid in achieving the correct posture.

3. Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is a gentle form of yoga that can be a good place for beginners to start. It combines static poses with breathing to help promote relaxation and stress relief.

How to practice: Focus on mastering the basics of each pose and breathing technique.

4. Kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga is more spiritual, aiming to unlock the energy at the base of the spine. It involves chanting, meditation, and specific poses to help enhance self-awareness and inner peace.

How to practice: Engage in the chanting and breathing exercises with an open mind and heart.

5. Bikram yoga

Performed in a hot room with a series of 26 poses, bikram yoga focuses on detoxification. It is challenging, so it can help build determination and mental resilience.

How to practice: Hydrate well and be prepared for intense heat. Focus on each pose and your endurance.

6. Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga yoga is a rigorous style of yoga following a specific sequence of poses. It can help improve focus and discipline and reduce stress.

How to practice: Learn the sequence and focus on smooth transitions and breath control.

7. Restorative yoga

Restorative yoga is a relaxing style of yoga in which poses are held for longer periods, often involving props for support. It can help reduce anxiety and promote deep relaxation.

How to practice: Use props to comfortably hold poses. Focus on relaxation and letting go.

8. Yin yoga

Yin yoga targets deep connective tissues, as it requires you to hold poses for extended periods of time. It can help cultivate patience and improve flexibility.

How to practice: Stay in each pose for several minutes, focusing on deep breathing and relaxation.

9. Anusara yoga

This modern, spiritually oriented system has an emphasis on alignment. Anusara yoga can help boost self-esteem and inner positivity.

How to practice: Engage in poses with a focus on opening the heart and aligning the body.

10. Prenatal yoga

Prenatal yoga is tailored for pregnant women, focusing on poses that increase flexibility and strength. It can help reduce pregnancy-related stress and anxiety, and prepare the body for childbirth.

How to practice: Concentrate on gentle poses and breathing exercises that are safe for pregnancy. Modify poses as needed for comfort and support.

Yoga practices: tips for choosing the right style

Each style of yoga offers a unique path toward balance, health, and inner peace. Exploring the different practices can help you find the type of yoga that works for you. Before committing to a specific practice, you may also want to:

1. Identify your goals

Decide whether you’re looking for stress relief, physical fitness, spiritual growth, or a combination.

💙 Let Jay Shetty teach you how to set goals that feel authentic to you during The ‘Why’ Behind Your Goals.

2. Consider physical limitations

If you have any injuries or health concerns, some styles might be more suitable than others. For instance, iyengar yoga, with its focus on alignment and use of props, can be great for those with physical limitations.

💙 Bring ease and perspective to pain and discomfort with the 7 Days of Soothing Pain meditation series.

3. Experiment with different styles

Try out a few different classes to get a feel for what you enjoy, and what benefits you the most.

💙 In this meditation, Jay Shetty discusses why it’s okay to Be Inconsistent sometimes.

4. Listen to your body

Pay attention to how your body and mind shift during and after practice. The right style of yoga should leave you feeling refreshed, not drained or uncomfortable.

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Types of yoga FAQs

What are the 4 types of yoga?

  1. Karma yoga (yoga of action): A path of selfless service, practitioners of karma yoga seek to achieve spiritual liberation through serving others.

  2. Bhakti yoga (yoga of devotion): Bhakti yoga is centered around devotion and love for a personal god or the divine. It involves practices like chanting, singing, and praying.

  3. Jnana yoga (yoga of knowledge): Jnana yoga is often considered the most difficult path, as it involves seeking spiritual enlightenment through meditation, self-study, and contemplation.

  4. Raja yoga (yoga of meditation): Raja yoga focuses on controlling the mind through meditation. It's based on the teachings of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and includes practices in concentration, meditation, and mastery of the mind.

What are the 9 forms of yoga?

  1. Hatha yoga: A gentle introduction to the most basic yoga postures

  2. Vinyasa yoga: A series of poses that flow smoothly into one another

  3. Iyengar yoga: A form of yoga known for its use of props, such as belts and blocks

  4. Ashtanga yoga: A rigorous, often demanding, style of yoga that follows a specific sequence of postures

  5. Bikram yoga: Performed in a hot room to help detoxify the body through sweating

  6. Kundalini yoga: Combines postures, breathing exercises, and the chanting of mantras to awaken your kundalini energy

  7. Yin yoga: A slow-paced style of yoga with postures held for longer periods of time

  8. Restorative yoga: A relaxing method of yoga involving props to help you hold poses longer

  9. Anusara yoga: A modern version of hatha yoga with a cheerful, heart-centered approach

What is the hardest yoga style?

There are several challenging styles of yoga. The "hardest" yoga can vary depending on your physical abilities and personal preferences.

  • Ashtanga yoga has a fast-paced series of postures and requires strong endurance and flexibility.

  • Bikram yoga can require stamina and strong willpower because it’s practiced in intense heat and humidity.

  • Kundalini yoga can be challenging due to its intense focus on internal energy and spiritual awakening.

How many types of yoga are there?

While there are nine primary styles commonly practiced in the western world, yoga encompasses a wide range of practices. Yoga is a diverse and evolving practice with numerous schools, traditions, and styles. Beyond the commonly known types, there are many other forms like power yoga, acro yoga, and jivamukti yoga. Each has a unique focus and methodology.

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10 different types of yoga practices (and their benefits) — Calm Blog (12)

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How often do you meditate?


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5 tools you need to sleep better tonight

  • Improve your sleep with these science-backed tips
  • From neuroscientist and sleep expert, Dr. Matthew Walker
  • Bite-sized audio lessons for long-term results

Sleep Better

Easy Tips for Better Sleep

Dr. Mathew Walker Neuroscientist and Sleep Expert
  • Don't Try, and Don't Worry! 4 min
  • Your Sleep Type 5 min
  • Sleep and Your Mood 4 min
  • Your Sleep Environment 4 min
  • Sleeping with Your Phone 4 min

Sleep Better

`, urls: ['/blog/vivid-dreams','/blog/how-to-prevent-nightmares','/blog/why-dont-i-remember-my-dreams','/blog/stress-dreams','/blog/waking-up-tired','/blog/how-to-get-more-deep-sleep','/blog/how-to-get-over-jet-lag','/blog/sleep-anxiety','/blog/screen-time-before-bed'] }, { title: 'grounding', html: `

Get grounded in three minutes

  • Calm your body and mind using your breath
  • From former monk and bestselling author, Jay Shetty
  • Short audio practice to help you find balance

Calm Your Mind

Jay Shetty Author, Coach, Former Monk

Calm Your Mind

`, urls: ['/blog/5-4-3-2-1-a-simple-exercise-to-calm-the-mind','/blog/how-to-stop-intrusive-thoughts','/blog/box-breathing','/blog/driving-anxiety','/blog/grounding-techniques','/blog/how-to-stop-overthinking'] }, { title: 'fall_asleep', html: `

Ready to fall asleep with ease tonight?

  • Quiet your mind and body using this guided exercise
  • From mindfulness specialist Chibs Okereke
  • Soothing audio session to unwind into sleep

Get To Sleep

Chibs Okereke Mindfulness Instructor

Get To Sleep

`, urls: ['/blog/racing-thoughts-at-night','/blog/why-do-i-keep-waking-up-at-3am','/blog/breathing-exercises-for-sleep'] }, { title: 'work_stress', html: `

How to beat work stress & burnout like a boss

  • Relieve stress and anxiety quickly during the workday
  • From stress and burnout specialist, Chibs Okereke
  • Short exercises to help you find your calm

Take a Break

Quick Breaks

Chibs Okereke Mindfulness Instructor
  • Managing Overwhelm 5 min
  • 60 Second Reboot 1 min
  • Step Away From the Computer 4 min
  • Let's Unplug 4 min

Take a Break

`, urls: ['/blog/how-to-recover-from-burnout','/blog/beat-burnout','/blog/sunday-scaries'] }, { title: 'sleep_sounds', html: `

The music you need for better sleep

  • Get more restful sleep with delta wave music
  • Produced with Binaural Beats, scientifically shown to enhance sleep
  • 8 hours of music for deep sleep

Get Deep Sleep

Delta Waves for Deep Sleep

Curated by experts at Calm
  • Halting Thoughts (Delta 145 Hz - 147 Hz) 60 min
  • Slow Release (Delta Binaural) 60 min
  • Careful Mind (Delta 83 Hz - 84 Hz) 60 min
  • Calm Body (Delta Binaural) 59 min

Get Deep Sleep

`, urls: ['/blog/what-is-green-noise','/blog/sounds-to-help-you-sleep','/blog/best-music-to-fall-asleep-to'] }, { title: 'anxiety', html: `

The 11 anti-anxiety tools you need in your life

  • Relieve anxiety with these game-changing tools
  • From clinical psychologist & online educator, Dr. Julie Smith
  • Bite-sized audio sessions for long-term relief

Overcome Anxiety

Overcome Stress and Anxiety

Dr. Julie Smith Clinical Psychologist and Educator
  • Calm Your Heart with Deeper Breaths 3 min
  • Challenge Your Negative Thoughts 4 min
  • Guided Breathing to Release Tension 10 min
  • Distance Yourself From Anxious Thoughts 5 min
  • Create Emotional Safety 4 min

Overcome Anxiety

`, urls: ['/blog/panic-attack-vs-anxiety-attack','/blog/how-to-calm-anxiety-attack','/blog/breathing-exercises-for-anxiety','/blog/feeling-anxious-for-no-reason','/blog/flight-anxiety-tips','/blog/affirmations-for-anxiety'] }, { title: 'relationships', html: `

How to cultivate happier and healthier relationships

  • Strengthen your connections (even during conflict)
  • From the Head of Mindfulness at Calm
  • 12 audio sessions to create lasting change

Improve Your Relationships

Relationships with Others Series

Tamara Levitt Head of Mindfulness at Calm
  • Nurturing Relationships 10 min
  • Holding Space 10 min
  • Listening 10 min
  • Boundaries 10 min
  • Empathy 10 min

Improve Your Relationships

`, urls: ['/blog/how-to-overcome-social-anxiety','/blog/questions-to-ask-to-get-to-know-someone','/blog/taking-a-break-in-a-relationship','/blog/anxiety-in-relationships','/blog/long-distance-relationship','/blog/emotional-connection','/blog/first-date-nerves'] } ] appAudioData.forEach(instance => { if (instance.urls.includes(currentPath) && ctaToReplace) { const ctaToReplaceWrapper = ctaToReplace.closest('.sqs-row') if (ctaToReplaceWrapper) { ctaToReplaceWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', instance.html) ctaToReplaceWrapper.remove() } return } })}); // Audio Sample Functionality Codewindow.onload = function() { // Replace 'audioFileURL' with the direct link to your audio file const audioFileURL = 'https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57b5ef68c534a5cc06edc769/t/65a78d86aa34af6af3428203/1705479566073/SLEP_0184_DreamWithMe_EN_2CH_MK_20230802_HomepageCutdown.mp3/original/SLEP_0184_DreamWithMe_EN_2CH_MK_20230802_HomepageCutdown.mp3'; // Getting the play/pause button by its ID and icons by their IDs const playPauseButton = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-play-pause-button'); const playIcon = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-play-icon'); const pauseIcon = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-pause-icon'); // Check if elements exist if (playPauseButton && playIcon && pauseIcon) { // Initially hide the pause icon pauseIcon.style.display = 'none'; // Creating the audio object const audio = new Audio(audioFileURL); // Event listener for play/pause button playPauseButton.addEventListener('click', function() { if (audio.paused) { audio.play(); playIcon.style.display = 'none'; pauseIcon.style.display = 'block'; } else { audio.pause(); playIcon.style.display = 'block'; pauseIcon.style.display = 'none'; } }); // Dispatch the custom event after the player is ready let e = new Event("amplitudeaudioloaded"); document.dispatchEvent(e); }};


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Views: 5884

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.